Spir Dynamics 1229-1231 2/8/98; Isr 4,8,10,16,20-49, 155, 157, 161 7/31/91




A.  Definition and Description.

            1. There are several working principles of this doctrine.

                        a. There are two categories of pressure in life.

                                    (1) Overt pressure—which in this study will be classified as adversity.

                                    (2) Inner pressure of the soul—which in this study will be classified as stress.

                        b. Adversity is outside pressures of life from the circumstances of our daily experiences, whereas stress is inside pressure of the soul. The Greek word THLIPSIS should be translated “adversity,” because it means calamity, catastrophe, affliction, oppression, disaster, general suffering brought on by the outward circumstances of life. Adversity may be caused by pain, weather, financial problems, loss of friendship, broken romance, marital problems, family problems, business or professional problems, personality conflicts, lawsuits, economic depression, spiritual problems.

                        c. As outside pressures of life, there are two categories of adversity.

                                    (1) Suffering from the law of volitional responsibility or divine discipline.

                                    (2) Suffering for blessing which accelerates spiritual growth.

                        d. As inside pressure of the soul, stress includes several categories.

                                    (1) Stress from converting the outside pressures of adversity into the inside pressures of stress in the soul.

                                    (2) Suffering which comes from grieving the Holy Spirit.

                                    (3) Suffering which comes from quenching the Spirit.

                                    (4) Suffering from the three areas of divine discipline. Once you have stress in the soul, there is no suffering for blessing.

                        e. Stress is what you do to yourself; adversity is what the circumstances of life do to you.

                        f. Adversity is inevitable (we all have suffering); stress is optional. It depends on your own negative volition which lets adversity into the soul.

                        g. Stress in the soul always results in sin nature control of your life. Stress in the soul destroys the spiritual life of the believer. Stress causes fragmentation, reversionism, and Christian degeneracy, which, when combined with the sin nature control of the soul, completely destroys any capacity for life, love, and happiness. Stress destroys the inner spiritual strength of the soul when combined with the sin nature control of the soul and results in inner tensions that cause dissociation, mental disorder, and multiple personality dysfunction. Unchecked and perpetuated stress in the soul produces the psycho Christian.

                        h. Stress results in self-fragmentation. Stress, perpetuated in the soul, means failure to glorify God, and therefore, unchecked stress produces the loser believer, the believer who lives in perpetual carnality. There are seven categories of losers.

                                    (1) Stress results in self-fragmentation.

                                    (2) Stress perpetuated in the soul results in polarized fragmentation. Polarized fragmentation, in which the sin nature control takes you to your trend of self-righteous arrogance or antinomianism.

                                    (3) Polarized fragmentation leads to the eight stages of reversionism.

                                    (4) Christian moral degeneracy.

                                    (5) Christian immoral degeneracy.

                                    (6) Dissociation, which is garbage in the subconscious.                            (7) Becoming a psychotic or neurotic Christian.

                        i. Extrapolated from metabolized doctrine in the soul’s stream of consciousness are ten problem solving devices which work to prevent the conversion of the outside pressures of adversity into the inside pressures of stress in the soul. The problem solving devices are potential based on your metabolization of doctrine. The problem solving devices are generally progressive as metabolized doctrine circulates in the stream of consciousness. The progression is:  the rebound technique, the filling of the Holy Spirit, the faith-rest drill, grace orientation, doctrinal orientation, a personal sense of destiny, a personal love for God the Father, impersonal love for all mankind, sharing the perfect happiness of God, and occupation with Christ. Our Lord did not need the rebound technique nor to be occupied with Himself.

                                    (1) Defensively the problem solving devices function to prevent the outside pressure of adversity from penetrating the soul to become the inner pressure of stress. The ten problem solving devices are the defensive position against adversity or outside pressure attacking the soul.

                                    (2) Offensively they function to remove from the soul the inner pressure of stress under the principle of garbage in and garbage out. We take the offensive through use of the faith-rest drill, grace orientation, doctrinal orientation, and the other problem solving devices.

                        j. Stress in the soul results in sin nature control plus the inability to convert gnosis doctrine into epignosis doctrine. The only answer to this is rebound. Perpetuation of the inside pressure of stress in the soul destroys metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness and prevents any future metabolization of doctrine as long as that stress remains. This is why people proclaim, “Doctrine does not work.”

                                    (1) The constant conversion of gnosis doctrine into epignosis doctrine through consistent faith perception prevents the conversion of the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul.

                                    (2) God has provided everything we need to meet the outside pressures of life. However, we can use our volition to convert outside pressures of adversity into soul stress. Soul stress hits the stream of consciousness and results in dissociation—garbage in the subconscious.

                                    (3) The conversion of adversity into stress always begins with outside pressure. Only cognition and application of the problem solving devices in the protocol plan of God can avoid the disaster of converting adversity into stress. Adversity on the outside should be handled through the application of Bible doctrine. Stress on the inside is something we do to ourselves.

                                    (4) Under the pressure of adversity, the believer can use his volition to open the door of his soul and invite in the pressure which was on the outside.

                                    (5) The conversion of adversity into stress is a series of bad decisions from a position of weakness. Bad decisions from a position of weakness open up the defense system and allow the pressure to come into the soul creating mental illness, personality dysfunction, and other related problems.

                                    (6) If Bible doctrine is not number one priority in the life, this results in negative volition toward doctrine, and this, in turn, results in distractions from consistent postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation. This means failure to understand the mechanics and to put into operation those things which are your defenses.

                                    (7) Metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness maintains the normal cohesive, integrated, and unified soul.

            2. The Problem of Christian Psychosis.

                        a. There are five basic problems in the spiritual life.

                                    (1) The believer’s relationship with people taking priority over the believer’s relationship with God.

                                                (a) People evaluate their spiritual life by their fellowship with other believers.

                                                (b) This trend occurred immediately after the original sin, when the man and the woman assumed that if they were adjusted to each other by clothing themselves with fig leaves, they would be properly adjusted to God. This is people emphasis taking precedence over God emphasis.

                                                © This trend erroneously assumes that if you are right in your relationship with people, you are right in your relationship with God.

                                    (2) The believer’s attempt to fulfill God’s plan for the Church Age through human power and dynamics rather than divine power and omnipotence.                             (a) God is perfect and His plan is perfect. Under the law of equivalent power, the perfect plan of God can only be executed by the perfect power of God. Therefore, God has provided His omnipotence for the great power experiment of the Church Age.

                                                (b) Each member of the Trinity indwells every believer and has made His power available as a part of the experience of the Christian life. Divine power is guaranteed, available, and delegated. Through postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation and cognition of doctrine, this power can be and should be utilized.

                                                © When believers depend on human power, it leads to a self-destructive process in the spiritual life.

                                    (3) The total ignorance of the biblical subject of love and the total failure to execute the mandates regarding loving God and loving people.

                                                (a) Many believers are aware of different mandates which require loving people and loving God, but they have no concept of the type of love that is required. No distinction is made between personal and impersonal love.

                                                (b) Believers fail in their priorities because personal love for God must take precedence over impersonal love for all mankind.

                                                © Another complication is that personal love for the human race has neither virtue nor merit. Personal love in either romance or friendship only has merit when that love has virtue.

                                                (d) Believers have rejected the whole concept of grace and spend all of their time trying to use their human ability to fulfill divine mandates. It is impossible to love all the brethren with your human love. To try and extend human love to all people is insanity and is not fulfilling the divine mandate.

                                    (4) The malfunction of postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation, which is failure to be consistent or even to become involved in cognition and inculcation of Bible doctrine.

                                                (a) This is the problem of failure to understand and execute the Christian way of life, which is based on the fact that in ignorance or rejection of doctrine it cannot be accomplished.

                                                (b) This includes ignorance of our portfolio of invisible assets related to the omnipotence of God the Father, ignorance of the protocol plan of God related to the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit, ignorance of the unique factors of the Church Age, failure to understand and use the ten problem solving devices.

                                    (5) Christian psychosis.

                                                (a) This believer has a split personality. He has two separate and distinct personalities, one may be legalistic, one may be antinomian.

                                                (b) The believer may have up to 100 personality states.

                                                © The word personality is used in psychology for the function of the soul in thinking about one’s environment and one’s self in relationship to that environment. Hence, dissociation results in two or more personalities existing in one person. It is a pattern which develops over a short or long period of time, frequently from abuse in childhood. The creation of multiple personalities is a defense mechanism to retreat from the reality of abuse and neglect.                                        (d) Prolonged bitterness, jealousy, vindictiveness, anger, revenge motivation, implacability, or hatred in the soul opens the door to adversity being converted into stress in the soul. This weakens your soul and is the beginning of the destruction of your spiritual life and Christian psychosis. If you react in a way in which you lose any tranquility and contentment that you might have had from Bible doctrine or sharing the happiness of God, then you should consult with a professional psychologist or psychiatrist and find out whether or not you have a personality disorder.

                                                (e) Prolonged sin nature control of the soul also opens the door to stress in the soul and reversionism which leads to dissociative multiple personality disorder.

                        b. Dissociation occurs in children who are victims of abuse.

                                    (1) Child abuse finds the child or teenager in a helpless state to deal with the trauma, shock, and hysteria. Therefore, dissociation becomes a defense mechanism for the child to survive. This is a life saving solution for a helpless, powerless child.

                                    (2) However, as an adult, multiple personalities are counter productive, maladaptive, and destroy the cohesiveness and unification of the stream of consciousness. Therefore, in adulthood, the abused child with the defense mechanism of dissociative multiple personality disorder must resolve the problem or become a psychoneurotic or very cruel and evil person in at least one of the very well developed personalities.

                        c. In dissociative multiple personality disorder, the person goes from one personality to another, but both do not function at the same time as with schizophrenia. This was the problem with the Exodus generation and continues to be a problem of Church Age believers. The status of the psychotic believer contradicts the protocol plan of God and simultaneously destroys the spiritual life.

                        d. The first great clue as to whether or not you have the problem of dissociative multiple personality disorders is the presence of stress in your soul. Do you have a jealous, angry, hateful, vindictive, arrogant, bitter, or frightened soul? How do you handle the adversity which all people must face in life? These are the questions you must ask yourself in the privacy of your own soul. Stress in the soul becomes weakness of the soul.

            3. The Difference Between Adversity and Stress.

                        a. Adversity is outside pressures in life from the circumstances of daily experiences. The problem with adversity is that outside pressure in life through human self-determination penetrates the soul, where it is converted into stress, which is the inner pressure of the soul. Job 14:1, “Man, who is born of woman, is few of days and full of trouble.”

                                    (1) There are many categories of disaster which act as outside pressure.

                                                            (a) Social disaster—loss of social life, friendship, a broken romance, marital problems, personality conflicts, injustice from others.

                                                (b) Historical disaster related to economic disaster from recession or depression, warfare—being defeated or disarming the nation, diplomatic defeat, loss of establishment principles among the people, loss of freedom, the violence of revolution, becoming the victim of terrorism, and persecution. This includes divine punishment for anti- Semitism.

                                                © Criminal disaster in which you are a victim of robbery, rape, embezzlement, blackmail, child abuse, incest, or other crimes.

                                                (d) Vilification disaster—being the victim of gossip, slander, maligning, judging, being the victim of the creation of the public lie, being a victim of projection (others assigning their flaws to you), loss of reputation.

                                                (e) Rejection disaster—social isolation, business isolation, unfair treatment, a victim of prejudice, rejection by someone you love, a victim of role model arrogance, a victim of poor management, being passed over for promotion, being fired from your job unfairly.

                                                (f) Weather disasters.

                                                (g) Loss of health, including all categories of disease, pain, terminal illness, and starvation.

                                                (h) Handicap disaster such as blindness, paralysis, loss of parts of the body.

                                                (i) The death of loved ones.

                                                (j) Economic disasters.

                                    (2) Trouble is one of the Bible words for adversity.

                                                (a) Ps 9:9, “The Lord will be a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in time of trouble.”

                                                (b) Ps 119:143, “Trouble and anguish have found me, however, Your commandments are my delight.”

                                                © Ps 46:1, “God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in tight places.”

                                                (d) Ps 54:7, “For His person has delivered me from all adversities, and my eyes have looked on my enemies [impersonal love].”

                                                (e) Prov 21:23, “He who guards his mouth and his tongue guards his soul from troubles.”

                        b. Stress is the inside pressure of the soul which effects the stream of consciousness of the right love of the soul—the heart, the mental attitude of the believer, and the subconscious. The real danger to the believer is when he or she converts the outside pressure of adversity into stress in the soul.

                                    (1) Stress is succumbing to outside pressure of adversity.

                                    (2) Stress is the alternative to using the problem solving devices.

                                    (3) Stress is inside pressure of the soul.

                                    (4) Stress is what you do to yourself.

                                    (5) Stress is optional.

                                    (6) Stress is the result of the law of volitional responsibility, Hos 8:7; Gal 6:7. You sow to the wind and reap the whirlwind.

                                    (7) Stress is reaction to the circumstances of life by using either the arrogance or emotional complex of sins to deal with outside pressures.

                                    (8) Stress is the triumph of self-fragmentation, polarized fragmentation, reversionism, and Christian degeneracy—moral and immoral.

                                    (9) Stress in the stream of consciousness or heart of the right lobe of the soul puts layer upon layer of scar tissue over metabolized doctrine, and doctrine does not work when it is covered by many layers of scar tissue of the soul.

                            (10) Stress causes dissociation, resulting in garbage in the subconscious. Stress results in mental disorders and personality dysfunction among Christians.

            4. The penetration of outside pressure is always a matter of bad decisions from a position of weakness.

                        a. We usually have nothing to do with adversity, but we have everything to do with adversity becoming stress. Involvement in the cosmic system and Christian degeneracy are the results of stress taking command of the soul.

                        b. The greatest position of weakness occurs between polarized fragmentation and Christian degeneracy. We succumb to pressure through the function of the sin nature which causes implosion. Implosion then results in self-fragmentation which polarizes into either antinomianism or legalism. The real problem, where soul stress takes over, is reversionism from Christian moral or immoral degeneracy.

                                    (1) Reversionism is the greatest position of weakness in the Christian life. Emotional revolt of the soul creates so much stress in the soul it is almost unbearable.

                                    (2) When the rate of forgetting Bible doctrine exceeds the rate of learning doctrine, the eight stages of reversionism provide a system for succumbing constantly to outside pressure of adversity and converting it into soul stress. In reversionism, any outside pressure moves through the doctrinal defenses of the soul and creates stress inside the soul. This person reacts to the smallest pressures in life and cannot handle them.

            5. Victorious or successful Christian life isolates and overcomes outer pressure through the use of the ten problem solving devices. As long as we can keep outside pressure outside of the soul through the application of doctrine, we can have a victorious Christian life. This requires humility as the foundation for professionalism and integrity. Professionalism is understanding the mechanics of how to use the problem solving devices. Integrity is the spiritual strength to put the mechanics into operation. This spiritual strength comes from maximum metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness.

            6. Stress turns the soul over to the sin nature. For example, stress plus bitterness results in a very miserable person.

            7. Principles of Application.

                        a. Stress inhibits and shuts down sexual drives of the individual in a normal sexual relationship.

                        b. Children under severe stress in their family environment usually develop a separate personality to deal with their stress. They become whatever it takes to minimize that stress. Example—the oldest child becomes a workaholic, responsible child; the second child becomes funny, pleasing, always trying to keep things calm, always trying to say the right thing.

                        c. Stress creates tunnel vision, focusing on those things producing the stress and shuts down all creative thinking.

                        d. Creative thinking occurs where a total relaxed mental attitude is present.

                        e. When under stress, your personality changes into an emotional, hypersensitive, very caustic, sarcastic individual.

                        f. When under stress, routine and good eating habits become non- existent. The end result is a run down, tired condition.

                        g. When under stress, long term planning is non-existent and short term decisions or decisions of expediency are the norm.

                        h. Stress feeds on stress and eventually becomes a lifestyle. Stress becomes a coping machine. The stressed out person needs the stressful life to keep him from thinking of reality and taking stock of a lifestyle that has totally alienated him from those people around him. His number one priority is himself and his obsession. It usually takes a severe crisis to get his attention and give him the possibility of getting out of the vicious cycle.              i. Pastors put themselves under extreme stress because they are shocked about apathy. They start thinking they are the problem and start to press, thinking of what they can do to stop this apathy. Human power takes over and they become casualties, selling out to false doctrines. The stress only increases because they are impotent and fragmentation occurs in their congregation and family.

                        j. Stress occurs in young people when they are raised in the environment where their self-worth is not nurtured or encouraged. They are constantly not fulfilling their parent’s unrealistic expectation of them, and so are very vulnerable to peer pressure and becoming involved in groups where they can gain some self-worth.

                        k. The best way to get back on track after reacting to unfair treatment from some person is to put that person in your prayers. This defuses the frustration and resultant judging, maligning, and bitterness that tries to set in.

                        l. An active social life puts you under tremendous stress— handling your job, pleasing everyone, getting hooked on the stimulation of constantly looking forward to the next social event. Each social event, when it finally does occur, does not live up to your expectations. Thus you have constant frustration and are always tired which results in loss of job performance.

                        m. People today are acting like this is the first time dysfunctional families are turning out dysfunctional children. They are focusing on the symptoms and the various backgrounds, but they are not giving the ultimate cure or source of restoration—Bible doctrine in the stream of consciousness flushing out the garbage in the subconscious.

                        n. God has given us a cohesive, unified personality at birth, but we split the personality under stress plus arrogance. You can continue under stress for a while if you are maintaining your spiritual growth and eventually right yourself. The cohesive ability of doctrine is phenomenal where the mature believer is concerned. But take stress and insert arrogance to someone with not too much spiritual maturity and you have a split personality.

                        o. The person who works in sales and has been under stress for a while thrives on the chaos of his life. The stress keeps him busy putting out fires and gives him great satisfaction of being so busy. It also gives him human self-esteem because he is accomplishing so much. But in reality, he is creating the chaos by being overextended and going in so many directions that he has lost control. He has no conception of balance in his life and everyone around him suffers because he is out of control. Wife, children, family members, and employees all suffer because he is too busy being berserk to give the quality time to others that these members require. He has poor morale all around him but he is unaware of this reality. A lot of times he thinks he is getting by on his charming personality, but in reality, he is charming one minute and cruel and demeaning the next—split personality.

                        p. Once the personality of some children become that of the pleasing personality, the stress to be that pleasing person becomes unbearable. You cannot please everyone all the time. Thus you have a life of disappointment and frustration. He also has a tendency when alone with people close to him to be demeaning and critical as a result of the frustration he feels regarding people. He also likes to have his home life very quiet and without confrontation because he is off when he is home, and does not want anyone bothering him. Thus he is not able to give the ones close to him what they need in any normal relationship because he expends so much energy pleasing everyone when he is at work or out socially.

                        q. If you do not immediately pray for those who wrong you, malign you, attack you, then you immediately start maligning, judging, discrediting them. But if you turn them over to prayer, the need to destroy them dissipates and you tend to move on from this attack. Otherwise, you have the tendency to justify your position by tearing them down and discrediting them. Once you turn them over to the justice of God, tranquility takes over in your soul.

                        r. When you are constantly critical and judging everyone around you and you justify this behavior by telling everyone you are people smart and see clearly the way they should be acting or executing the plan of God for their lives, you are suffering from self-righteous arrogance. The need for you to be involved in this type of behavior keeps you from looking at yourself and all of your lack of spiritual self-esteem problems.

B.  The Relation Between Cognition and Stress.

            1. Principles.

                        a. There is a definite relationship between stress and cognition.

                        b. Stress makes you forgetful and impairs your memory.

                        c. Stress impairs your ability to learn.

                        d. Stress affects your perception of reality.

                        e. When stress is removed, cognitive ability is restored.

                        f. If a person remains in a stress situation too long, all of his cognitive ability is destroyed and he enters into a neurotic or psychotic state, or a state of perpetual carnality.

            2. When the rate of learning exceeds the rate of forgetting, Bible doctrine in the stream of consciousness circulates in its seven compartments. But when the rate of forgetting exceeds the rate of learning, Bible doctrine in the stream of consciousness is eventually erased. When the rate of forgetting exceeds the rate of learning, the outside pressure of adversity is converted into the inside pressure of stress in the soul.

            3. Much of stress in life is the result of failure in some form.

                        a. This failure has components which are the soul’s reaction to failure. Each day is made up of many kinds of outside pressures which you convert into stress. This results in the position of weakness, which is related to the sin nature dominating the soul through decisions to sin, perform human good, to enter into dead works, to become involved in evil, while having a stress situation.

                        b. Vulnerability to converting adversity into stress is related to the believer’s values; for if Bible doctrine does not have number one priority in the life, stress is inevitable rather than optional, since every adversity will then be created into stress in the soul. Lack of metabolized doctrine is the vulnerability factor.

                        c. Stress is manufactured out of the believer’s failure to make Bible doctrine the number one priority in his life. Stress is manufactured out of the believer’s failure to be consistent in postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation or to be distracted by the false concept that fellowship with people is a must.

                        d. A good example is fear. Increasing the power of fear in your life, increases the conversion of the outside pressures of adversity into the inside pressures of stress in your soul. Stress is the greatest helper that the sin nature possesses.

            4. Maturity is related to stress.

                        a. A mature person always thinks in terms of principles.

                        b. A mature person develops the ability to conceptualize, both in his personal life and in his profession or work. Conceptualization is to form concepts or ideas by mentally combining or actually developing the characteristics or particulars of a subject.

                        c. A mature person accepts full responsibility for his own life, both his decisions and his actions.

                        d. A mature person does not think in terms of “I could not help it.” This is a sign of maturation arrest.

                        e. A mature person willingly defers immediate pleasure or reward when necessary and is able to tolerate frustration.

                        f. The necessary ingredient of maturity is emotional stability under stress.                         g. A mature person looks at failure as an opportunity to make a change. 5. To deal with stress objectively, a person must understand that much of stress in life is the result of failure in some form. This failure has components which are the soul’s reaction to failure. There are five stages of the soul’s reaction to failure.

                        a. Shock or disbelief. The mature person absorbs the shock and does not break.                b. Fear and worry. These are horrible neutralizers which depersonalize the individual.                               (1) Fear is an emotional sin which converts the outside pressures of adversity into the inside pressures of stress in the soul.

                                    (2) Fear is a contradiction to the protocol plan of God for the Church. Fear has no doctrinal content and erases doctrine. It has no ability to think or apply doctrine to any situation. It has no common sense and no divine viewpoint.

                                    (3) Fear is irrational and converts adversity into stress.

                                    (4) Fear is the believer’s failure to apply Bible doctrine to the adversities and properties of life.

                                    (5) The more things you surrender to fear, the more things you fear. The extent to which you surrender to fear, you increase the power of fear in your life and you become vulnerable to adversity.

                                    (6) Increasing the power of fear in your life increases the conversion of outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in your soul. The more things that acquire the power of fear in your life, the greater your capacity for fear. The greater your capacity for fear, the greater the stress in your soul.

                        c. Anger reaction to failure. Anger is used as an alarm system; if used toward others, it is sinful; if used toward self, it is motivation for making a change.

                        d. Shame. This is a product of what we think others think of us.

                        e. Blame. This is loss of self-esteem and does not solve the problem.

            6. When the believer allows the penetration of adversity into the stream of consciousness, it is converted into either the arrogance or emotional complex of sins. Stress in the soul breaks off from the normal personality of doctrinal orientation through dissociation, by which garbage in the subconscious is accumulated around the secondary personality. When the believer succumbs to the temptations of the sin nature, he loses his spiritual strength provided by the filling of the Holy Spirit and metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness. Therefore, the split off from normal spiritual personality results in the following.

                        a. Conversion from spirituality to carnality.

                        b. The conversion of outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul.

            7. The exception to the conversion of the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul is inadvertent physiological and psychological stress.

                        a. Relationship with a woman may bypass the usual conversion of adversity into stress. It is possible for the woman to be the source of instant stress to a man. This is also true for the man producing instant stress in the woman.

                        b. Stage one is the stage of being idolized. In this stage, the woman becomes impressed with a man to the point of adoration and devotion. If romance is converted into marriage at this stage, the frustration and disillusion which follows will destroy the marriage. In this stage, the woman under role model arrogance is disillusioned and initiates the destruction of the relationship.

                        c. The second stage is the stage of being mesmerized. Because the male is idolized by the woman, he is often fascinated to the point of blind arrogance. The spell bound status of the male can also be terminated by disillusion and frustration. If romance is converted into marriage at the mesmerized stage, it the woman who will be frustrated and disillusioned and the marriage has very little chance of success. In this stage, the man under role model arrogance is disillusioned and initiates the destruction of the relationship.

                        d. The third stage is the stage of being tranquilized. This stage has one of two options.

                                    (1) Operation tranquilizer. A tranquilizer is a drug that has a calming effect. This is the end of romance and the breaking up of the marriage. The woman or the man may find someone else, a substitute romance, or something that has a calming effect on the problem without solving the problem.

                                    (2) Operation tranquil. This is part of the biblical solution to the problem. Tranquil means the function of sharing the happiness of God (plus H) as a problem solving device.

                        e. The fourth stage is synthesis. Synthesis means to combine the various elements of the romance or marriage into a single or unified entity. In thesis, you take the good points of the romance or marriage plus the good points of the man or the woman and assign to them a value. In antithesis, you take the bad points of the romance or marriage plus the bad points of your husband or wife and assign to them a value. Synthesis is the merging of the thesis (good points) and antithesis (bad points) to establish a composite, which establishes the values in your soul and provides the basis for a good or right decision. This often means that the problems and the bad points of the marriage are combined with Bible doctrine resulting in synthesis—the solution to problems. Your solution depends on how you assign your values and how you apply your doctrine.

                        f. The fifth stage is emphasize or deemphasize. This is your final decision.

                                    (1) Emphasize is the concept of what is prominent in your soul—either Bible doctrine or lust, either integrity or bitterness, either honor or arrogance.

                                    (2) Deemphasize is placing less emphasis on the elements of the problem so that two possibilities exist. If the emphasis is on Bible doctrine, then the deemphasis is on what you resent in a person. This results in a good decision from a position of strength. If the emphasis is on the person and the deemphasis is on Bible doctrine, this eliminates Bible doctrine in the solution. This results in a bad decision from a position of weakness.

            8. The Contradiction Principles—the things that we do that contradict the protocol plan of God.

                        a. The inside pressure of stress in the soul contradicts the protocol plan of God.

                                    (1) The status quo of grieving the Holy Spirit, Eph 4:30.

                                    (2) The status quo of quenching the Spirit, 1 Thes 5:19.

                                    (3) The believer becoming the enemy of the Cross, Phil 3:18.

                                    (4) The believer is the enemy of God, Jam 4:4.

                                    (5) With the continued neglect of rebound (1 Jn 1:9), the believer remains in a state of perpetual carnality, constant divine discipline increasing, and you cannot tell the difference between that believer and any unbeliever in any area of sin.

                        b. The perpetuation of the inside pressure of stress in the soul is described as devastation of the believer’s spiritual life.

                                    (1) Gal 5:4, the believer has drifted off course from grace.

                                    (2) The believer has come short of the grace of God, Heb 12:15.

                                    (3) Rev 3:15-16, the believer is described as lukewarm.

                                    (4) 2 Pet 2:7-8, the believer is described as a tormented soul.

                                    (5) The spiritual life of the believer is described as being shipwrecked in 1 Tim 1:19.

                                    (6) The believer is described in terms of being psychotic, Jam 1:8, 4:8.

                                    (7) The believer enters the body of death principle of Rom 7:8, 24-25.


C.  Scripture.

            1. 2 Cor 11:22, “Are they [Judaizers] Hebrews? So am I.  Are they Israelites? So am I.  Are they descendants of Abraham? So am I.”

                        a. The outside pressure of legalism existed in Paul’s congregation.

                                    (1) Verse 22 says that outside pressure of legalism exists in any congregation. The word “Hebrew” is used in this context for Jews who adhere to the Jewish culture of the Law in contrast to Hellenistic Jews who adopted Greek culture. The word “Israelite” is used here for the Jewish race. Paul is pointing out that if there had been any advantage to Judaism, he would have taught it to the Corinthians.

                                    (2) When you know as much Bible doctrine as the Apostle did, that becomes a tremendous outside pressure. The people providing outside pressure on Paul where Jews and Israelites—his own race and nation. The confusion caused by the Judaizers’ heresies is a part of Paul’s adversity; therefore, the pressure on him. Paul avoids converting the outside pressure of false doctrine among his converts to stress. Once adversity becomes stress, it compounds the problem. To avoid the pressure of reacting to the failure of his congregation, Paul must face the outside pressure of legalism and resist the temptation to convert it into the pressure of soul stress. Stress produces stress.

                                    (3) Both the congregations in Galatia and Corinth have succumbed to the pressure of false doctrine related to legalism. They have converted the outside teaching of legalism into the inner pressure of soul stress (Christian moral degeneracy). This explains their rapid fall into legalism. Once you get stress into the soul, you can lose doctrine at a very rapid rate. When their frantic search for happiness in legalism did not work, the stress in their soul intensified, producing emotional revolt of the soul, blackout of the soul, scar tissue of the soul, and reverse process reversionism. They moved completely into Christian moral degeneracy.

                                    (4) Paul handles the false doctrine of legalism by reiterating the truth. He kept the problem of the Judaizers outside of his soul as adversity and never let the adversity inside his soul to become stress.

                        b. Paul uses a sarcastic approach under the filling of God the Holy Spirit. This indicates the effectiveness of his approach, the effectiveness of his teaching. In sanctified sarcasm, he says that he sounds just like the Corinthians.

                        c. Because Paul faces the pressure as adversity and not stress, he maintains his professionalism. Many of the adversities of life come to us in our work place. If we convert that outside pressure in the work place into inner pressure of stress in the soul, then it is possible to become a loser. To maintain the right attitude in the work place there must be the shutting down of any attempt of adversity to penetrate the soul as stress.

            2. There exists under these conditions professional pressure. 2 Cor 11:23, “Are they the servants of Christ? (I am out of my mine to communicate this way [I keep chattering like a psychotic person]) I more so; I have worked much harder [in exhaustive study], I have been in prison more frequently, beaten many times, often in danger of death.”

                        a. Paul has to sound just like one of the Corinthian legalists in order to communicate to them. Paul recognizes that two things have happened to his congregation in Corinth.

                                    (1) They have converted the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul.

                                    (2) They are functioning in reverse process reversionism, having gone away from Bible doctrine to Christian moral degeneracy.

                        b. Paul communicates the truth by explaining to the Corinthians that he is much more the servant of Christ, and therefore, the Corinthians should listen to Paul rather than to Judaizers with their false doctrine.

                        c. Paul makes the very important point of doctrine that the outside pressure of false doctrine has been converted into the inside pressure of stress by the Corinthians. The result is that the Corinthians now have false doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness, resulting in the rapid multiplication of stress. Stress increases rapidly when false doctrine circulates in the soul.

                                    (1) False doctrine (such a legalism), circulating in the stream of consciousness, increases both arrogance, emotion, and stress.

                                    (2) False doctrine, converted into stress, results in maximum self-induced misery and confusion.

                        d. Paul makes a second point that he uses maximum metabolized doctrine in his own soul to keep outside pressure of adversity out of his soul, and therefore, Paul avoids stress through the use of the problem solving devices. There is sharp contrast between Paul and his congregation.

                        e. This principle applies to all jobs, all professions. You must keep the ordinary circumstances of adversity from penetrating your soul and causing stress in your soul. As soon as you get angry about anything related to your job, you have converted adversity to stress and you destroy your effectiveness and yourself.

                        f. Stress wants someone to feel sorry for them; stress wants pity; stress thrives on attention. Soul stress provides false motivation. Soul stress destroys normality, so that a person seeks to gain attention through being pitied. The Judaizers gained a foothold in Corinth through appealing to the emotional revolt of the soul. The Corinthians felt sorry for the way the Judaizers had been persecuted.

                        g. Stress plus sin nature control begins the process that destroys the person from reality, creates a secondary personality, and the secondary personality often blacks out what the primary personality was when cohesiveness of soul existed.

            3. Outside pressures to which Paul did not succumb and did not convert into inner pressure of the soul are now listed. 2 Cor 11:24-28, “Five times I received from the Jews thirty-nine lashes. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I have spent in the open sea. I have been under outside pressure many times in my travels, in dangers from rivers, in dangers from robbers, in dangers from my own race [Jews], dangers from the Gentiles, dangers in the city, dangers in the desert, dangers on the sea, dangers among false brethren; in fatigue and wearisome work, in lack of sleep many times, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure. Apart from such external things, there is the daily pressure upon me of concern for all the churches.”

                        a. Paul did not succumb to the outside pressures of privation.

                        b. Paul also did not succumb to the outside pressure of command pressure. Paul was in charge of all the churches.

            4. How did Paul deal with outside pressure of adversity, 2 Cor 4:7-9.

                        a. Verse 7, “Furthermore we have this treasure [Bible doctrine in the stream of consciousness] in jars of clay, that the surpassing greatness of the power may be from God and not from ourselves.” In leadership, if you use your power under stress of the soul, then it will result in evil. The power of God and the helplessness of each of us demands that we depend on what God has provided us—Bible doctrine. Bible doctrine becomes powerful when it is in the stream of consciousness as metabolized doctrine.

                        b. Verse 8-9, “We are under outside pressure every day, but not under stress; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.” The present passive participle of STENOCHOREO means to be compressed, to be crushed, and in the passive voice, it means to receive stress. Adversity strikes us down, but stress destroys us.


D.  The Vicious Cycle.

            1. The vicious cycle begins with converting the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul.

                        a. The stress of the soul festers, causing, along with the sin nature, either a split personality or a multi-personality believer. The stress in the soul causes self-fragmentation.

                        b. Stress in the soul makes two attacks on the believer.

                                    (1) Destruction of metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness, which eventuates into split personality, and from there becomes reverse process reversionism or Christian degeneracy.

                                    (2) The second attack is the cycling of stress into the soul and then outside in compulsive behavior, bipolar disorders, manic depressive episodes, anxiety or panic disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, multiple personality disorders, and many other things related to stress in the stream of consciousness related to the function of the sin nature.

            2. Stress in the soul amplifies both the arrogance and emotional complex of sins.

                        a. Jealousy becomes operational, motivated by stress in the stream of consciousness. Jealousy manifests itself in many forms of vilification, gossip, slander, maligning, judging, creating the public lie,

                        b. Vindictiveness becomes operational, motivated by stress in the stream of consciousness. Vindictiveness manifests itself in revenge.

                        c. Implacability becomes operational through hatred, meanness, bullying.

                        d. Arrogance becomes operational through approbation lust, power lust, inordinate ambitions.

            3. The vicious cycle occurs in three phases.

                        a. Phase one is the conversion of the outside pressure of adversity into stress in the stream of consciousness. Stress in the soul’s stream of consciousness opens the door for the old sin nature to express itself and to control the life of the believer. This also results in the split off of the personality. Unchecked stress in the soul results in a psychotic or neurotic Christian.

                                    (1) The believer is in a position of weakness from stress of the soul. We are in a position of weakness, so that we produce everything from sins to evil to try and deal with the stress.

                                    (2) When pressures come into the soul, you react with irrationality—anger, hatred, antagonism, guilt, etc. The increased stress factor of the soul gives the old sin nature greater control. Now you move to your area of weakness. There is no stopping it, because even if you rebound, you go right back to your area of weakness since you are under the pressure instead of controlling the pressure.

                                    (3) The scar tissue and blackout of the soul destroy Bible doctrine in the stream of consciousness so that the believer is cut off from his source of power and strength. The lust pattern now comes into play.

                                    (4) Human solutions and human reaction further complicate your life and problems.

                        b. Phase two is the believer completely under the control of the sin nature, often already in a psychotic or neurotic condition.

                        c. Phase three is an overt manifestation of the arrogance complex of sins, the emotional complex of sins, the split personality, the manic depressive, the anxiety or panic disorders, hysteria reaction to life. The third phase may result in different kinds of negative overt actions, including:  murder, rape, suicide, vilification of another person. Phase three turns carnal motivation into Christian degeneracy. This is the position of garbage in and garbage out. Garbage is in the soul from the soul stress and whatever comes out of the soul is garbage.

            4. The vicious cycle is a post-salvation phenomena, which results from lack of metabolized doctrine in the soul or lack of understanding or using the problem solving devices to keep adversity outside of the soul. To avoid converting outside pressure of adversity into inner pressure of soul stress, cognition and function of the ten problem solving devices must be a habit of life for every type of adversity and problem in life.

            5. Believers under the function of the vicious cycle have the same stress factor in the soul as their unbeliever counterparts. Emotional stress factors such as fear, worry, guilt, panic, and anxiety are common to both believer and unbeliever alike. Arrogant stress factors are also common to both.

            6. The increased stress factor of the soul gives the old sin nature greater control, so that the believer moves to a state of irrationality, irresponsibility, dissociation, and complete loss of all spiritual values.

            7. The example of bitterness and stress.

                        a. Bitterness has two directions:  toward self and toward others. Bitterness toward self is the destruction of spiritual self-esteem, the removal of all contentment, all tranquility, any form of sharing the happiness of God. The soul is hardened from scar tissue of the soul, which wipes out whatever metabolized doctrine exists in the soul.

                        b. Bitterness is a major factor in destroying the spiritual life. Bitterness plus stress destroys any possibility for happiness. Bitterness and sharing the happiness of God cannot coexist in the believer’s soul. Bitterness and love cannot coexist in the believer’s soul.

                        c. Bitterness with stress produces certain characteristics. Bitterness is the root of many sins. Heb 12:15, “See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God, that no root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by it many are defiled.”

                                    (1) Bitterness wipes out any previous grace orientation existing in the life of the believer.

                                    (2) Bitterness is a great contributor to any failure a believer may have. Furthermore, the retention of that bitterness destroys any possibility of recovery. You have to right to bitterness just because you have been unfairly treated.

                        d. In Eph 4:31, bitterness is represented as the pin of the grenade in self-fragmentation. “All bitterness, both anger and wrath, both brawling and slander, must be removed from you, along with all malice.”

                        e. The bitter soul has no tranquility or contentment, no sharing of the happiness of God. The bitter soul is frantically searching for happiness. The bitter soul is almost unable to use the problem solving devices. It has lost all perceptive. It is hypersensitive about what others say and totally insensitive to others.

                        f. Biblical illustrations of the bitter soul are found in the following passages.

                                    (1) 1 Sam 1:10, the mother of Samuel was bitter because she was barren. Women are sometimes bitter because they do not have what other women have. This is also true of men.

                                    (2) Parents are bitter because of the failures of their children, Prov 17:25.

                                    (3) The administration of the fifth cycle of discipline causes bitterness, Lam 1:4; Amos 8:10; Isa 33:7.

                                    (4) Arrogance is a source of bitterness. You can never have one without the other.

                        g. See also the Doctrine of Bitterness.


E.  The Problem of Pre-salvation Stress in the Soul.

            1. Many persons have been victims of child abuse, so that they have entered into the vicious cycle. They seem to be very sweat at one moment and suddenly they become cruel and mean and even manifest neurotic and psychotic characteristics. Some become very bitter because of child abuse. Before people are born again, many do not have the strength to deal with things that happen to them. The result is that they have scar tissue of the soul which overlaps whatever concepts they have in life.

            2. The classic example is child abuse. The cohesiveness of the soul is destroyed by child abuse. The personality splits. The world of unreality becomes the basis for so much garbage in the subconscious and so many problems. It is possible for a person who came from dysfunctional parents and to have gone through child abuse to appear to be a very spiritual person and at the same time to be functioning under a secondary personality that is full of approbation lust, power lust, meanness. There is a dual personality which is hindering any proper use of Bible doctrine. They metabolize only what appeals to the secondary personality.

            3. Salvation does not immediately resolve the great stress in the soul caused by child abuse. The stress must first be removed from the soul. Solution requires postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation.

                        a. The new believer must first have a dramatic change of values in his life—Bible doctrine must become his number one priority.

                        b. The believer must persist in learning doctrine and using the problem solving devices in spite of set backs.

                        c. Certain sins related to the lust pattern, arrogance complex, and the emotional complex must be avoided.


F.  Stress Related to Reversionism.

            1. The eight stages of reversionism create a position of weakness from which a maximum number of bad decisions are made. These bad decisions include the habitual conversion of the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul. Each stage of reversionism brings the believer closer to Christian degeneracy and increases the amount of soul stress in the stream of consciousness. The eight stages of reversionism are located between polarized fragmentation and degeneracy. Implosion sends fragments which move either toward legalism or antinomianism. The stages of reversionism begin and continue to the point of either moral or immoral degeneracy. All of the mental disorders are developed at this point.

                        a. Stage one of reversionism is reaction and distraction.

                                    (1) This is reaction to the teaching of doctrine—the personality of the pastor, the content of the message, or both. When you react, it is your problem, never blame it on someone else. The believer under the law of volitional responsibility uses his own volition to become distracted from the one source of help and the ultimate solution.

                                    (2) Reaction and distraction means that the rate of forgetting exceeds the rate of learning, so that the believer neglects Bible doctrine and eventually forgets all doctrine he has learned. The rate of forgetting eventually results in a mechanical system of destruction of doctrine in the stream of consciousness. There is an increase of bad decisions from a position of weakness, including converting the normal adversities we all face into stress in the soul. The believer reaps to the wind and sows the whirlwind.

                        b. Stage two of reversionism is the frantic search for happiness.

                                    (1) When you lose the spiritual discipline of being consistent in the perception of doctrine, it is inevitable that you will seek happiness in another form. The frantic search for happiness is compatible with the sin nature trend. The frantic search for happiness results in entering either moral or immoral Christian degeneracy.

                                    (2) The legalistic search for happiness is based on self- righteous arrogance, crusader arrogance, and functions under Christian activism. Stress and self-centered preoccupation with self include the power and approbation lust function. The legalistic believer’s frantic search for happiness always results in some form of Christian activism. The legalistic search for happiness often includes self-sacrifice, which is regarded by the ignorant as spirituality.

                                    (3) The antinomian search for happiness has the same stress factor in the soul, the same preoccupation with self with emphasis on self- indulgence rather than self-sacrifice. The antinomian search for happiness is preoccupation with self to the point of maximum self-indulgence in pleasure lust, social lust, sexual lust, and chemical lust.

                        c. Stage three of reversionism is operation boomerang.

                                    (1) The frantic search for happiness returns to the believer empty of happiness but increases stress in the soul. The believer without doctrine throws the boomerang at the target of happiness and the boomerang comes back the way it was sent—no happiness, no doctrine, no grace orientation, no filling of the Spirit, no understanding of the grace of God, and no use of the proper values in relationship to Bible doctrine.

                                    (2) Any system of seeking happiness apart from the inculcation and application of Bible doctrine is analogous to throwing the boomerang at the target of happiness, but the boomerang misses happiness all together; for the believer’s happiness is dependent on maximum metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness through the filling of the Holy Spirit.

                                    (3) Instead of happiness, the believer is now completely vulnerable to that pattern of conversion by which the outside pressures of adversity automatically become the inside pressures of stress. With the sin nature controlling the soul and with the automatic induction of stress, it is inevitable that there will be psychotic and neurotic believers.

                                    (4) There are two special features of sharing the happiness of God:  tranquility of soul and contentment of soul.

                                                (a) Tranquility is “the peace of God which passes all understanding” and guards the stream of consciousness. Phil 4:6-7, “Stop worrying about anything but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God which passes all understanding shall garrison your heart and mind by means of Christ Jesus.”

                                                (b) Contentment may be construed as the result of tranquility of soul. Contentment is where metabolized doctrine is protected in the stream of consciousness. Contentment or sharing the happiness of God does not depend on outside circumstances of life, and therefore, becomes a fantastic defense system against this conversion of adversity into stress.

                                                © Contentment keeps stress out of the soul. When the believer has contentment and tranquility of soul, he does not convert the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul. If you have contentment and tranquility, there is no way that any of these things will apply to you unless you have a spiritual decline such as reversionism. Contentment and tranquility insulates the soul against stress and against sin nature control, which means that sharing the happiness of God protects the unity, cohesiveness, and integration of the soul of the believer.

                                                (d) Contentment also creates your capacity for life, love, and happiness. The pursuit of Bible doctrine becomes the pursuit of happiness. In spiritual self-esteem, you no longer depend on pleasant circumstances for happiness in your life.

                        d. Stage four of reversionism is emotional revolt of the soul.

                                    (1) This is the stage by which we move away from the reality of spiritual things—the reality of grace, the reality of divine power, the reality of Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness. This is the reaction to operation boomerang. Since the frantic search for happiness adds up to more stress in the soul, emotional revolt of the soul occurs. Emotional revolt of the soul includes what psychology calls hysteria and other emotional problems. Emotional revolt of the soul is composed of several factors.

                                                (a) A predominance of emotional sins in the life of the believer. The sin nature dominates the soul and stress pours into the soul through emotional sins.

                                                (b) The deficiency of metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness (spiritual strength) causes mental disorders, emotional disorders, and personality dysfunctions.

                                                © The combination of emotional sins and unbearable stress in the soul produces, is the trigger for, dissociation.

                                    (2) Since happiness cannot exist for the believer apart from metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness and since the frantic search for happiness increases stress, sin nature control, and subsequent frustration, emotional revolt of the soul is inevitable.

                                    (3) Through emotional revolt of the soul the believer’s emotions become dominant to the point of irrationality. Through emotional revolt of the soul the personality of the believer undergoes two detrimental changes:  personality disorders which is personality dysfunction and multiple personality disorder.

                                                (a) In both cases, the vocabulary for insanity in the original languages of Scriptures comes into focus. The Hebrew noun SHIGAON and the verb SHAGA mean insanity and to be insane. Both are used in the context of believers.

                                                (b) In the Greek, there are three words:  in Jam 1:8 and 4:8—DIPUSCHOS; in Rom 12:3—EPIPHRONEO, and in Rom 7:24—TALAIPOROS.

                                                © In multiple personality disorder, there exists in the believer’s soul two or more personalities. At least two of these personalities concurrently take control of the believer’s behavior. One of these personalities may function with a reasonable degree of adaptation while the alternating personality may clearly be dysfunctional.

                                    (4) Emotional revolt of the soul is characterized by the following personality disorders. These disorders are a warning sign to believers that they are about to become psychotic and need to rebound and get back under the inculcation of Bible doctrine. Whatever habits you have developed from personality disorders, these become intensified and become characteristics of your psychotic or neurotic problem.

                                                (a) Antisocial personality disorder.

                                                     i. It includes irresponsible and antisocial behavior, including: lying, stealing, vandalism, cruelty to animals, and cruelty to people.

                                                    ii. This includes criminal activity.

                                                   iii. This includes inability to be consistent academically or consistently hold a job.

                                                    iv. It includes irritable and aggressive activity in which one feels justified in having hurt, maltreated, or stolen from others.

                                                (b) Histrionic personality disorder, which is a pervasive pattern of excessive emotional activity and attention seeking. This is also classified as hysterical personality disorder. People with this disorder constantly seek or demand reassurance, approval, or praise from others and are uncomfortable in situations where they are not the center of attention. Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by rapidly shifting and shallow expressions of emotions. These believers crave novelty, stimulation, excitement, and quickly become bored with normal routine. Such believers are quick to form friendships, but once the relationship is established, they become egocentric and inconsiderate. These believers show little interest in intellectual achievement and are indifferent to analytical thinking. Believers in this status are impressionable and easily influenced by other people and suckers for the latest fad. Such believers show an initial positive response to any strong authority figure who they think can provide a magical solution to their problems. Such believers are easily disillusioned. Their behavior is overly reactive and intensively expressed. Minor stimuli give rise to emotional excitement. They are very self-centered with very little or no tolerance for frustration or delayed gratification; they want immediate gratification. There are six general characteristics of histrionic personality disorder.

                                                            i. Constantly seeking or demanding reassurance, approval, or praise.

                                                            ii. Inappropriately sexually seductive in appearance and behavior.

                                                            iii. Overly concerned with physical attractiveness.

                                                            iv. Displaying rapidly shifting and shallow emotional expression.

                                                            v. Expressing emotion with inappropriate exaggeration.

                                                            vi. Temper tantrums.

                                                            vii. Frequent flights into romantic fantasy.

                                                © The narcissistic personality disorder. The pattern of this disorder includes hypersensitivity to evaluation by others. This person falls apart and gets angry when criticized by others but lacks empathy or inability to recognize how others feel—hypersensitive about self and insensitive about others. Such a believer reacts to criticism from others with rage, humiliation, shame, even if it is not expressed. They take advantage of others to achieve their own ends. They have a grandiose sense of self-importance and expect or even demand to be noticed as special or to be treated as special. In narcissistic personality disorders, the Christian believes that his or her problems are unique and can only be understood by special persons whom they idolize. This problem of emotional revolt of the soul carries with it a sense of entitlement (they think they are entitled to something) and unrealistic expectation. Such a believer requires constant attention, lives for admiration, and is preoccupied with feelings of bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, and sometimes jealousy.

                                                (d) Emotional revolt of the soul includes dependent personality disorder, which includes seven characteristics.

                                                            i. They are unable to make everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice.

                                                    ii. They allow others to make most of his or her important decisions.

                                                    iii. This believer agrees with people even when he or she believes that they are wrong because they fear rejection.

                                                    iv. This believer feels uncomfortable or helpless when alone; hence, goes to great lengths to avoid being alone.

                                                    v. This believer feels devastated when close relationships end to the point of excessive emotion being out of control. They always blame the other person and never see their own flaws— projection.

                                                    vi. Preoccupation with fears of being abandoned or rejected.

                                                    vii. Is devastated by criticism or disapproval.

                                                (e) Passive-aggressive personality disorder. This person often makes a good first impression.

                                                     i. Procrastinates—puts things off that need to be done, so that deadlines are not met.

                                                     ii. They become sulky, irritable, or argumentative when asked to do something he or she does not want to do

                                                    iii. They protest without justification that others are making unreasonable demands on him or her.

                                                    iv. They avoid obligations by claiming to have forgotten.

                                                     v. They believe that they are doing a better job than others think they are doing.

                                                     vi. They resent useful suggestions from others on how to be more productive.

                                                     vii. They obstruct the efforts of others by failing to do his or her share of the work.


                                                    viii. They unreasonably criticize or scorn people in a position of authority.

                                    (4) Emotional revolt of the soul hinders the perception and metabolization of doctrine. 2 Cor 6:11-12, “Oh you Corinthians, our mouth has been opened face to face with you, our hearts have been enlarged. You have not been hindered by us but you have been hindered by your own emotions.”

                                    (5) Emotional revolt of the soul converts the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul. This is taught from the Septuagint translation of Job 30:27, “My emotions are boiling, and I cannot relax; days of stress confront me.”

                                    (6) Emotional revolt of the soul contradicts Bible doctrine and causes dissension. Rom 16:17-18, “Now I urge you, brethren, look out for those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to doctrine which you have learned, and turn away from them. For such believers are slaves not to our Lord Christ but to their own emotions; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.” The reason you should avoid those with emotional revolt of the soul is because this is where the psychotic and neurotic tendencies among believers begin. You cannot help believers in emotional revolt of the soul. They will influence you; you will never influence them. Only the Word of God can ever bring them back.

                                    (7) Emotional revolt of the soul makes the believer the enemy of the Cross because his god is his emotions. Phil 3:18b-19a, “...they are the enemies of the Cross of Christ, whose destiny is destruction, whose god is their emotion.”

                                     (8) Emotional revolt of the soul means that the believer is controlled by the emotional complex of sins:  fear, worry, anxiety, panic, cowardice, traumatic reactions caused by stress in the soul and sin nature control of the soul. This is contrary to the plan of God as stated in 2 Tim 1:7, “For God has not given us a lifestyle of fear but of power and virtue- love and of sound judgment [common sense].”

                                                (a) The fear category of the emotional complex of sins was very prominent during the Exodus. It included fear, worry, anxiety, panic, consternation, shock, irrationality, hysteria, and dissociation; all of which could be classified as reactive emotional sins. The more you surrender to fear, the more things you fear. The extent to which you surrender to fear, you increase the power of fear in your life. The more things that acquire the power of fear in your life, the greater your capacity for fear and the faster you accelerate to becoming a psycho believer. The greater your capacity for fear, the greater the control of your life by emotional control of the soul.

                                                (b) The anger-hatred category includes uncontrollable anger, implacable hatred, bitter resentment, implacable vindictiveness, loathing, animosity, tantrums, malice, vilification, violence, and murder.

                                                © The egocentric category includes the interaction of the emotional and arrogant complex of sins. Usually the more arrogance you have in your soul, the more alter personalities you have in dissociation. This is the drive to satisfy one’s vanity, one’s self-image to the exclusion of reality.

                                                (d) The reaction category is stress in the soul plus sin nature domination of the soul. This includes hysteria reaction, irrationality reaction, and dissociation. The person never realizes that he or she has never grown up.

                                                (e) The guilt category results from neglect or malfunction of the rebound technique.

                                    (9) Emotional revolt of the soul is the last opportunity of making a turn around without going through a psychotic condition. Most people enter reversionism with some metabolized doctrine, but after these first four stages, doctrine stops circulating in the stream of consciousness. By the time the emotional revolt of the soul occurs, all divine power provided for the believer by the grace of God and all grace orientation to life departs. The alter personality does not understand grace. The power of the filling of the Holy Spirit becomes the grieving and quenching of the Holy Spirit.

                            (10) The vacuum created by emotional revolt of the soul is filled with three things which destroy your spiritual life:  the conversion of the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul, perpetual and unchecked sin nature control of the soul which combines with reversionism at this point to cause the split soul, and Christian degeneracy or mental disorders or both. When you pass the point of no return, you will be under divine discipline until the day you die.

                            (11) Closing principles.

                                                (a) By the time of emotional revolt of the soul, all divine power provided for the believer by the grace of God for the execution of God’s plan has been rejected.

                                                (b) The power of God the Holy Spirit, designed for execution of the divine mandates, has now become grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit.

                                                © Only understanding and using the rebound technique can recover the filling of the Holy Spirit, and no one in a state of irrationality does it right.

                                                (d) The power of the Word of God has been rejected through negative volition toward doctrine as manifested in the first four stages of reversionism.

                                                (e) The believer is helpless to execute the mandates of God in the energy of the flesh. The plan of God is supernatural and can only be executed by supernatural power from God.

                        e. Stage five of reversionism is the status of locked in negative volition. Locked in negative volition becomes completely independent of Bible doctrine. The secondary personality rejects Bible doctrine.

                                    (1) Only maximum metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness and the extrapolation of the problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God provide enough spiritual strength to give cohesiveness to the unified personality of the believer.

                                    (2) Only maximum metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness and the extrapolated problem solving devices can prevent stress in the soul and the resultant split off personality.

                                    (3) Only maximum metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness and the extrapolated problem solving devices can prevent converting the outside pressures of adversity into the inside pressures of stress in the soul.

                                    (4) Only metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness and the extrapolated problem solving devices can prevent stress from combining with the believer’s sin nature to cause splitting or fragmentation of the spiritual life.

                                    (5) Only maximum metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness and the extrapolated problem solving devices can prevent or cure the neurotic or psychotic Christian. Christians who do not get back on doctrine will never recover completely, even with psychological counseling, because their volition is still operational.

                                    (6) In this stage, the believer is continually grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit. He has made a lot of bad decisions to get to this point and it is an uphill battle to recover. You have to become fanatical about doctrine in order to recover. By the time you reach this stage, you are bored with doctrine, and yet need to make it your number one priority to recover. If you do not take the responsibility for facing the reality of your situation, whatever it is, you are never going to make it. The believer is designed to recover and maintain cohesiveness and integration of the soul through two spiritual factors.

                                                (a) Continuous postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation which is daily perception of doctrine.

                                                (b) Execution of the protocol plan of God.

                                    (7) Various personalities emerge from locked in negative volition. These personalities are part of the soul split. They are called personality states by psychology.

                                                (a) The bitter personality—see the Doctrine of Bitterness. This includes the bitter soul in its contagious pollution of others, Heb 12:15. Lack of grace orientation in a cohesive soul eventuates in the split of that soul into many personalities, and therefore, the person has come short of the grace of God. The bitter soul pollutes others.

                                                (b) The jealous personality—see the Doctrine of Jealousy

.                                               © The implacable-vindictive soul. This may also be classified as the anger-hatred soul which integrates arrogance with emotion. The result is a stream of consciousness under both stress, sin nature control, and the function of this split personality. This soul category is not only controlled by anger and hatred, but expresses itself in the motivation of vindictiveness, revenge, vilification, and making the object of your hatred as uncomfortable as possible. This soul category is always involved in projection—assigning your flaws to the object of your anger, revenge, vindictiveness.

                                                (d) The arrogant soul is the believer who is totally preoccupied with self to the exclusion of reality and the feelings of others. While totally indifferent to the feelings of others, this believer is hypersensitive about his own feeling, and therefore, is easily offended by the most inconsequential and petty things.

                                                            i. The arrogant soul is called by psychiatry the host personality; it runs the show with respect to which personality comes up.                                                             ii. The arrogant soul is very vulnerable to flattery, demands attention, becomes involved in inordinate ambition and inordinate competition, often loses all perspective, and has no norms of standards.

                                                           iii. The arrogant soul emphasizes lust for ascendancy, becomes controlled by power and approbation lust, rejects authority, enters into conspiracy against any authority that seems to control him or her.

                                                          iv. The arrogant soul is so preoccupied with his own self-righteousness that a legalistic tendency is developed. The arrogant soul has a false emphasis on Christian service and emotional experience. This results in Christian activism and the production of dead works, human good, and evil.

                                                           v. The arrogant soul is described in the context of the arrogance complex of sins by such passages as Eph 4:31; Heb 12:15; Rom 12:3; 1 Pet 5:5-6; Jam 3:14-16.

                                                          vi. Role model arrogance and unrealistic expectation combine with the demand syndrome to cause the arrogant soul to be so far divorced from reality that the believer enters into one of many psychotic or neurotic conditions. Impulsive arrogance is the abuse of power, and there is a certain power that psychotic believers have.

                                                          vii. In the split of personalities, one of the personalities has the ability to be gainfully employed. In multiple personality disorder, that personality will eventually have problems on the job. Institutional arrogance attacks the authority structure, the purpose for the organization, or the policy of the organization.

                                                (e) From the emotional complex of sins comes the hysterical reaction soul, the angry soul, the irrational soul, the guilt ridden soul.

                                                            i. The guilt ridden soul involves either ignorance or rejection of the rebound technique. The guilt ridden soul becomes false motivation for life; for the guilt may function as a catalatic agent for dissociation or further splitting the soul

                                                            ii. If guilt pressure is too great, dissociation may become a defense mechanism to deal with the problems of guilt and to deal with some of the personalities that have been acquired in dissociative multiple personality disorder.

                                                            iii. Feelings of guilt are often alleviated by projection. If you can assign your failures to someone else, this is a temporary alleviation of your problem. Believers rid themselves of guilt feelings by the creation of a separate personality which is very proper, very self-righteous, very critical of others. This alter personality casts blame for its own shameful tendencies (which are identical with the object of their judging) on a victim to get rid of its guilt feelings. For example, a female believer is unable to handle the guilt caused by hating some male believer, and so from her secondary personality she unconsciously changes her attitude from “I hate the male believer” to “This male believer hates me.” When believers feel inferior to someone else, they often assign their own sins and failures to the one they feel is superior. This creates feelings of guilt and projection comes to the rescue. When projection comes from a believer’s alternate personality, it suppresses guilt feelings through repression. Repression is a mechanism in which the believer is either unable to remember or to be continually aware of disturbing wishes, feelings, thoughts, motives, or experiences.

                                                            iv. The guilt ridden soul rationalizes in the stream of consciousness remorse and self-accusation—a pseudo rebound modus operandi. This is generally caused by delusions of self-accusation which originate from repression of unacceptable modus vivendi such as the sins of the emotional and arrogance complex. The conscience department in the stream of consciousness arouses vague feelings of guilt. Often, believers have excessive compulsive habits which function as defense reaction for keeping feelings of guilt at a minimum. Depression may represent a repression, a penance for repressed hatred or repressed projection which causes feelings of guilt.

                                                            v. Guilt may also be suppressed through self- punishment. This may take the form of public confessions of sin, or guilt may be assuaged by attaching to others the motives that created the guilt feelings. Sometimes the believer finds his subconscious guilt feelings so unbearable, he commits a crime to find relief by being punished.

                                                            vi. Repression pushes down into the subconscious all of the garbage that conflicts with one’s self-respect and self-esteem. Thereby, repression seeks to solve the problems of guilt or guilt reaction.

                                    (8) At this point the drive to satisfy one’s vanity or self- image to the exclusion of reality lays the foundation for the soul split and the beginning of alter personalities.

                                    (9) Only the filling of the Holy Spirit circulates Bible doctrine in the soul. Once there is an extended period of sin nature control, then that doctrine is frozen in place and is not circulating or applied. All spiritual growth has stopped as of the moment of the beginning of the frantic search for happiness. By now, you are going backwards. The road to recovery demands a tremendous amount of consistence and self- determination. You must first recognize your condition and then assign number one priority to Bible doctrine and that priority must stay in place no matter how bad things get.

                        f. The last three stages are the point of no return. There are at least seven characteristics of the last three stages mentioned in the Scripture.

                                    (1) The believer becomes the enemy of the Cross, Phil 3:18.

                                    (2) The believer becomes the enemy of God, Jam 4:4.

                                    (3) The psycho believer with a split soul enters into either dissociative multiple personality disorder or into schizophrenia, Jam 1:8, 4:8.

                                    (4) The soul of the believer is called carnal when the old sin nature is in control of the soul, Rom 7:11-25, 8:7; 1 Cor 3:1-3.

                                    (5) The carnal believer becomes the disciple of the devil, 1 Jn 3:8, 10; through the doctrine of demons, 1 Tim 4:1; 2 Tim 3.

                                    (6) The believer enters the status quo of grieving the Holy Spirit, Eph 4:30.

                                    (7) The believer enters the status quo of quenching the Holy Spirit, 1 Thes 5:19. This is the status of Christian degeneracy and the status of the psycho believer.

                        g. Stage six of reversionism is blackout of the soul.

                                    (1) When locked in negative volition begins to shrink the amount of Bible doctrine located in the stream of consciousness as epignosis, a vacuum is created. The doctrine in each compartment of the soul cannot be circulated. All doctrine is isolated in its own compartment so that it cannot be used. Once circulation is stopped, there is a shrinkage of doctrine in each compartment.

                                    (2) Into this vacuum is drawn false doctrine, human viewpoint, and divorcement from reality. Eph 4:17, “Therefore, I communicate this, and because of the Lord, I insist that you no longer walk as Gentiles walk in the vacuum of their mind.”

    (3) Metabolized doctrine still exists in the soul but it is surrounded by darkness. There is no distinction between the thinking of the unbeliever or the believer in the blackout of the soul. Blackout of the soul means no recall of previously metabolized doctrine. The doctrine is still in the soul but you cannot remember it for recall. The believer is under the principle of temporal death, Rom 7. The believer takes on the emotional characteristics of a very immature person, e.g., a child. There is no sign in the believer’s life that he ever believed in Christ.

                                    (4) Blackout of the soul is described by the apostle John in Jn 12:35, where our Lord says, “He walks in darkness and does not know where he goes.” 1 Jn 1:6, “If we contend that we have fellowship Him and keep on walking in darkness [blackout of soul], we are lying and do not live the truth.” 1 Jn 2:11, “But when any one hates his fellow believer, he is in darkness and he walks in darkness, and he does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes.” When doctrine does not circulate, doctrine is not doing you any good. Where there is no doctrine, there is no reality in the spiritual life.

                                    (5) For doctrine to be utilized, it must be circulated in the right lobe of the soul. If doctrine does not circulate, the seven compartments of the soul atrophy. The decrease of doctrine in each compartment creates a vacuum of the soul into which is drawn false doctrine. This false doctrine creates a blackout of the soul. The blackout of the soul is characterized by the following.

                                                (a) There is no spiritual power. Previously metabolized doctrine is still present but beyond recall. Adversity is converted into stress.

                                                (b) The memory center of the stream of consciousness is also in darkness—the human viewpoint of life.

                                                © The blackout of the frame of reference and memory center means that the same power outage of dissociation obscures principles and doctrines related to the technical vocabulary of biblical theology. This means loss of humility. Lam 3:20 no longer applies. The blackout of the memory center, vocabulary storage and categorical storage means failure to coordinate the cohesion and integration of the normal soul. Prov 2:10 describes the integrated soul, “For wisdom will enter my heart and knowledge of doctrine will be pleasant to your soul.”

                                                (d) The conscience is blacked out resulting in bad decisions from a position of weakness from one or more personality states.

                                                (e) The momentum department is blacked out, producing retrogressive spirituality with two results:  Christian degeneracy and dissociative multiple personality disorder.

                                                (f) The wisdom department, the place of application of doctrine to experience, is shut down completely. Ps 2:2, “Make you ear to concentrate on wisdom; apply your heart to understanding.” This is a mandate to believers in all dispensations to concentrate on the application of doctrine. Blackout of the soul makes the believer poor. Eph 1:8, “From which riches of grace, He has made us more than rich by means of all wisdom and a way of thinking.” Your wealth is accumulated as you accumulate doctrine in your soul. Col 1:9, “We do not cease to pray for you and ask that you may be filled with the epignosis knowledge of His will in all wisdom.”

                                    (6) At the point of blackout of the soul, the believer is under the body of death principle of Rom 7:24-25. There is no overt sign that the person is a believer. The believer has entered into dissociation and Christian psychosis.


                        h. Stage seven of reversionism is scar tissue of the soul. In this stage, all Bible doctrine is destroyed in the stream of consciousness. The believer has now reverted to his status at the moment of faith in Christ or worse.

                                    (1) Eph 4:17-18, “Therefore, I communicate this, and because of the Lord, I insist that you no longer walk as Gentiles walk in the vacuum of their mind [blackout of the soul]. And they are darkened in their way of thinking and they have been alienated from the life of God [excluded from functioning under the Christian way of life—the protocol plan of God] because of the ignorance which is in them because of scar tissue in their hearts.”

                        (2) There are two results from scar tissue of the soul:  Christian degeneracy and the status of the psycho Christian.

                                    (3) Scar tissue of the soul is always the enemy of evangelism. Rom 2:5, “Because of your hardness of heart [scar tissue in the stream of consciousness of the unbeliever] and your unrepentant heart, you store up and accumulate wrath for yourself against the day of wrath [the last judgment] even the manifestation of the judgment of God.” Scar tissue keeps the unbeliever from changing his mind about the gospel. Every time the unbeliever says no to the gospel, he builds up more scar tissue on his stream of consciousness. Finally, even if he wants to believe in Christ, he cannot do so. This is what happened to Esau and the pharaoh of the exodus. Heb 12:17, “For you know that even afterwards [after rejecting the Lord] when he desired to inherit the blessing [from regeneration], he was rejected; for he found no place for a change of mind even though he sought it with tears.” Esau assigned no value to his birthright because it was related to regeneration. Tears represent his emotional revolt of the soul. Along with this, he had blackout of the soul and scar tissue of the soul. All he could do was express his desire through emotion, but he could not express his faith alone in Christ alone for salvation. However, once a person believes in Christ, the work of God in salvation can never be cancelled by the failure of the believer and the grace of God is never abrogated.

                        i. Stage eight of reversionism is reverse process reversionism.

                                    (1) There are six biblical words related to reverse process reversionism in the believer.

                                                (a) Drifting off course from grace, Gal 5:4.

                                                (b) To come short of the grace of God, Heb 12:15.

                                                © The split soul, Jam 1:8, 4:8.

                                                (d) The tormented soul, 2 Pet 2:8. Some believers come through stages five, six, seven, and eight with an extreme self- righteousness. This is what happened to Lot, the nephew of Abraham. 2 Pet 2:7-8, “He [Jesus Christ] rescued righteous Lot [out of Sodom], oppressed by the sensual conduct [homosexuality] of unprincipled men (for by what the righteous man saw and heard, while living among them, felt his righteous [self-righteous] soul tormented day after day by their lawless deeds).” Homosexuals have the same right as any other unbeliever to be evangelized by believers. But Lot, in his self-righteousness, was not evangelizing any of them because he was in reversionism. Lot was tormented in soul because the homosexuality offended his self-righteousness. Lot was no better than the homosexuals; he got drunk and committed incest with his two daughters. A self-righteous person in a psychotic state is a tormented soul.

                                                (e) Lukewarm, Rev 3:15-16.

                                                (f) Shipwrecked, 1 Tim 1:19, “Having and holding doctrine and a good conscience, which some have pushed aside [rejected, repudiated] and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith.”

                                     (2) Reverse process reversionism is the status of lost spiritual priorities and values; for all such priorities and values are completely reversed.

                                                (a) This is the total destruction of all values related to the believer’s spiritual heritage. The believer’s scale of values is totally reversed, as if he had never heard any Bible doctrine or believed in Christ.

                                                (b) Doctrine is never based on the observation of believers in reversionism. These people do not think or act like believers, but they are still eternally saved.

                                                © Nothing is left in the believer’s soul except the inner pressure of stress, the oppressiveness of sin nature control of the soul, and the unhappiness and misery of either Christian degeneracy or the status of the psycho believer.

                                                (d) Reverse process reversionism is characterized by reversal of all the values related to the protocol plan of God for the Church. This includes a reversal of all love objects related to people and related to God. Rev 2:4-5, “I hold this against you; you have forsaken your first love [Bible doctrine]. Recall to mind from where you have fallen and change your mind; therefore, execute the most important production [execution of the protocol plan of God]; otherwise, if you do not change your mind, I am coming to you and I will remove your lampstand [the removal of a church].”

                                    (3) There is no overt sign that the believer in reverse process reversionism has believed in Christ and is born again. While the believer still possesses his spiritual heritage and eternal life, he has no understanding of God’s will, plan, and purpose for his life. His former understanding of these things is completely wiped out. This explains the psychotic, neurotic, and degenerate believer. At this point, the believer is under maximum divine discipline with zero doctrinal recall. All former spiritual values are gone and there is total failure to execute the protocol plan of God for the Church. All the values of life are completely reversed from what they would be in spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, and spiritual maturity. Hos 8:7, the believer reaps to the wind and reaps the whirlwind.

                                    (4) The degenerate or psycho believer in reverse process reversionism cannot lose his salvation and he cannot abrogate the forty things given to him at the moment of faith in Christ.

                                    (5) No failure on the part of a believer can reverse the work of God at salvation through faith alone in Christ alone.

                                    (6) Bible doctrine is completely destroyed in the believer’s stream of consciousness in this final stage of reversionism.

                                    (7) All Bible doctrine perceived and metabolized in the past has been completely erased from the stream of consciousness.

                                    (8) By observing the believer in reverse process reversionism, theologians, pastors, and evangelists react with traumatic emotional or legalistic shock, and they state blasphemous and false conclusions based on empiricism rather than Bible doctrine. Their false conclusion is that a person cannot do those things and be saved or that the person did not have some evil system of faith plus works.

                                    (9) Therefore, legalistic theologians, pastors, and evangelists distort and reject Scripture by formulating such doctrines as faith plus something else for salvation on empiricism.

                                                (a) Bible doctrine and biblical theology is never formed by observation of the believer in reversionism or any other form of shocking failure.

                                                (b) Observation of the believer in reversionism, including Christian degeneracy and the believer in a psychotic or neurotic state is empiricism, and empirical knowledge is not the basis for establishing true doctrinal conclusions.

                                                © Empiricism is not a valid approach to Christianity.

                                                (d) All absolute truth extrapolated from the Bible is the result of complete and accurate knowledge of the original languages of Scripture, resulting in an accurate exegetical interpretation of a passage.

                                                (e) No matter how many believers fail or how they may shock you in their modus vivendi, no believer can cancel the forty things received at the moment of faith in Christ.

                                                (f) Even though there is no sign of fruit bearing, no overt evidence of regeneration, nor a trace of a spiritual life, the believer has eternal life, the righteousness of God, justification, and will live with God in a resurrection body forever.

                                                (g) No believer has the power of ability to cancel the grace of God or the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross.

                                                (h) The Bible is the source of all true doctrine, never observation of experience. Observation of experience is the basis of empirical knowledge, not of biblical knowledge.

                                                (i) The believer involved in reverse process reversionism has not and cannot lose his salvation. Such a thought is blasphemous and unthinkable.

                            (10) Conclusion.

                                                (a) 2 Jn 8-9, “Look out for yourselves, that you might not lose your momentum which you have accomplished, that you might receive a full reward [escrow blessings for eternity]. No one has fellowship with God [maximum doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness] who keeps advancing out of bounds and does not remain on the playing field through the doctrine of Christ.”

                                                (b) The believer who advances out of bounds is the believer divorced from reality, the believer who converts adversity into stress, the believer whose sin nature takes control for long periods of time.

            2. As a result of converting adversity into stress, we have a position of weakness.

                        a. The positions of weakness are the sin nature controlling the soul and the converting of adversity into stress. The two combine to form a disaster situation for the spiritual life.

                        b. The greatest position of weakness occurs when the believer becomes involved in unchecked fragmentation.

                        c. The function of the lust pattern of the sin nature motivates the conversion of adversity into stress. A person has lust for revenge from bitterness; this person no longer has adversities; for adversity has succumbed to stress in the soul, the soul has opened to stress.

                        d. When the inside pressure of temptation combines with human volition to form any category of weakness in the soul’s defense against evil, it is inevitable that stress will be present.

            3. The position of weakness in the soul destroys the believer’s defenses against adversity so that the conversion to stress takes place. The conversion occurs when the outside pressure of adversity penetrates the stream of consciousness to manufacture the inside pressures of stress in the soul. Therefore, the combination of the inside pressures of fragmentation and stress form a position of weakness that excludes the continuation of cognition and inculcation of Bible doctrine. When you come to Bible class, it is a ritual; it is no longer the reality of perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine. You will shortly conclude that doctrine does not work.


G.  The Faith-Rest Solution to Stress.

            1. Faith-rest has been used throughout Scripture as one of the primary means of coping with stress.

            2. There are three stages in the use of the faith-rest drill, Heb 4:1- 3.

                        a. Faith Mechanics.

                                    (1) Mixing the promises of God with faith.

                                                (a) The function of the faith-rest drill is always toward adversity. Failure to claim the promises of God is the first stage of failure in the spiritual life. Adversity breaks through the doctrinal defenses and produces stress in the soul. This makes the believer vulnerable to fragmentation.

                                                (b) Once you begin meeting the adversities of life with claiming the promises of God makes the Bible more real to you and increases your positive volition.

                                                © Stress in the soul, combined with the sin nature, establishes a pattern of spiritual declension. This results in both Christian degeneracy or a split personality.

                                                (d) By use of the faith-rest mechanics, the believer prevents the conversion of adversity into stress. This utilization provides for the new believer his first experience of sharing God’s perfect happiness.

                                                (e) The faith-rest mechanics of stage one are:

                                                            i. Faith claims the promises of God.

                                                    ii. Faith applies the promises of God.

                                                   iii. Faith takes control of the situation. Taking control of the situation demands a position of strength. Tranquility and contentment are a position of strength.

                                                (f) When stage one is fully operational, the believer then fulfills 2 Cor 5:7, “For we walk by faith and not by sight.”

                                    (2) Application of doctrinal rationales to life

.                                               (a) This requires a much stronger faith, which comes from maximum metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness by means of the filling of the Holy Spirit. The rationales include:

                                                    i. The essence of God rationale.

                                                    ii. The plan of God rationale.

                                                   iii. The policy of God rationale—grace orientation.

                                                    iv. The a fortiori rationale—if God can do the greater (salvation), He can do the less.

                                                (b) Rom 10:17, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ.” 1 Cor 2:16 cf. 1 Cor 2:5.

                        b. Faith Functions.

                                    (1) There is the faith function of faith perception. Just as there are two functions in breathing (inhale and exhale), so there are two functions in the modus operandi of the faith-rest drill.

                                                (a) There must be the inhale of Bible doctrine or faith perception. Faith perception as a part of operation Z.  This is postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation, which means perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine. Only metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness can prevent adversity from being converted into stress.

                                                (b) There must be the exhale of faith, which is the function of the faith-rest drill. You use faith to metabolize doctrine; you use that same faith to apply that doctrine to experience. The exhale of faith is the believer’s faith function. For example, prayer, Mt 21:22; Mk 11:24

                                    (2) There is the faith function of the plaintiff function before the Supreme Court of Heaven. For example, when being treated unfairly, we must represent such cases before the Supreme Court of Heaven and leave the matter in the Lord’s hands. This also demands that we not enter into vilification which results in severe discipline to ourself.

                                    (3) There is the faith function of the believer’s faith-rest function in sharing the happiness of God. There is a definite relationship between the accurate and correct function of the faith-rest drill and the proper use of God’s happiness, Eph 6:18.

                                                (a) If you find yourself in a state of anger, bitterness, hatred, etc., that state can be converted into either demon influence in your soul or you will wind up as a psychotic person. When you allow adversity to become stress in your soul, you make yourself a psychotic person. Stress combined with the old sin nature explain everything that goes wrong with the believer.

                                                (b) The faith-rest drill plus contentment and tranquility is the major solution to handling pressure. When you claim a promise from God, it holds off the adversity and you create tranquility and contentment in your soul, even if only temporarily. As you grow spiritually, this tranquility and contentment lasts longer and longer.

                                                © God can make you happy and no one else can do it. Other people can always make you happy temporarily, but they can also make you very unhappy. If a person cannot make you happy, they cannot make you unhappy. The more they can make you happy, the more they can make you unhappy. The same is true of circumstances. God can provide you with a sustaining, permanent happiness which people and circumstances cannot change.

                                    (4) Jam 1:2, “My brethren, regard it as sharing God’s perfect happiness when you become involved in the many categories of pressures.”

                                                (a) People who can make you happy can also make you unhappy. Sharing God’s perfect happiness is His grace provision for a true and sustaining happiness on earth. Only God has the power to make you happy on a permanent basis.

                                                (b) You cannot derive your happiness from making others unhappy. God has found a way in grace to share His very own happiness with us. A happiness which is not dependent on people but on the thinking of Bible doctrine. A happiness which prevents the conversion of adversity into stress in the soul. A happiness which does not change with circumstances. Sharing the happiness of God is a grace gift to every believer who shares the thinking of Christ.

                                                © Sharing the happiness of God is made up of four things.

                                                   i. Tranquility—"the peace of God which passes all understanding which garrisons your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.”

                                                   ii. Contentment. Contentment and tranquility are tremendous insulators against adversity. You can regain your tranquility and contentment through rebound.

                                                   iii. When tranquility and contentment become a major part of your life, so that people can no longer hurt you, shock you, or cause you to react, then capacity for life, love, and happiness is added. You now have the capacity to see objectively, with a relaxed mental attitude, all of the things that used to disturb you. When you react to unfair treatment, you show lack of spiritual maturation. You may have a lot of doctrine, but there is an imbalance.

                                                    iv. The expanded capacity to handle stimulation, enthusiasm, exhilaration. You can enjoy the moment without the moment destroying you. A stimulation factor which includes exhilaration and enthusiasm in the invigoration of happiness in the relationship to someone.

                                                (d) Sharing the happiness of God then becomes a fantastic problem solving device. As a problem solving device, God’s happiness keeps stress out of the soul, and thereby preserves the unity and cohesiveness of the soul. The greatest defense system we have against stress is to possess God’s perfect happiness in your soul. Having God’s happiness always keeps adversity outside of the soul.

                                                (e) God’s happiness can be lost to the extent that you lose Christian integrity and virtue. As integrity and virtue disappear from your life, so does God’s happiness. Pseudo happiness depends makes its happiness on making other people miserable through vilification, hatred, anger, revenge, etc. Arrogance plus anger means a psychotic condition.

                                                (f) There are at least three principles in God’s happiness that apply to the life of the believer.

                                                            i. God’s happiness is not dependent on others, but on the thinking or mind of Christ, which is Bible doctrine.

                                                            ii. God’s happiness prevents any stress, adversity, disaster from ever effecting us.

                                                            iii. God’s happiness does not change with circumstances unless you permit it.

                                                (g) Scripture.

                                                            i. Ps 16:11, “You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of happiness; at Your right hand are pleasures forever.”           ii. Prov 3:13, “Happiness to the believer who finds wisdom, even to the person who gains understanding of doctrine.”

                                                iii. Jn 15:11, “I have taught you these things in order that My happiness may be in you, and that your happiness may be fulfilled.”

                                                iv. 1 Thes 1:6, “You also have become imitators of us and our Lord, having received the word of God in much adversity with happiness from the Holy Spirit.”

                                                 v.Phil 4:11, “Not that I speak with reference to need; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.”

                                                 vi. 1 Tim 6:6-8, “But godliness is a means of great profit when accompanied with contentment; for we brought nothing into this world, it is obvious that we are going to take nothing out of it. However, if we have food and clothing, with these we shall be content.”

                                                  vii. Ps 146:5, “Happiness belongs to the one whose confidence is in the Lord.”

                                                  viii. Ps 128:1, “How happy is everyone who is occupied with the Lord, who walks in His ways.”

                                                   ix. Heb 13:5-6, “Let your lifestyle be free from love for money, and be content with what you have; for He Himself has said, `I will never leave you and I will never forsake you,’ so that we may say with confidence, `The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What, therefore, can man do to me.”

                                                (h) Having God’s happiness in the soul is one of the greatest blessing when facing death.

c.  Faith Execution.

                                    (1) The foundation of humility.

                                    (2) The superstructure.

                                                (a) Professionalism—knowledge and application of the problem solving devices.

                                                (b) Integrity—the spiritual strength to execute the problem solving devices.


H.  Dissociation.

            1. Introduction.

                        a. After salvation, the believer’s soul is designed for the integration of divine power through the metabolization of doctrine, i.e., the conversion of gnosis into epignosis. This is the only way to prevent the conversion of adversity into stress, to prevent the sin nature control of the soul, and to prevent dissociation. Bible doctrine holds the stream of consciousness together through its force of cohesion and produces an integrated personality. The integrated personality is the normal person.

                                    (1) The integrated personality of the believer gives number one priority to Bible doctrine and is consistent in taking in the Word of God.

                                    (2) The integrated personality of the believer has maximum metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness and from it extrapolates the problem solving devices.

                                    (3) The integrated personality of the believer recognizes sin in the life, rebounds, and quickly recovers his fellowship with God. The positive believer then prevents the conversion of adversity into stress in the soul.

                                    (4) The believer with a cohesive soul avoids dissociation, maintains an integrated personality, and glorifies God through execution of His will, plan, and purpose.

                                    (5) The integrity of the personality is important because it is, in effect, the integrity of the soul.

                                                (a) Personality is not only a reflection of the soul but is used for soul function, as in the case of dissociative multiple personality disorder.

                                                (b) In psychology, personality is defined as the sum total of physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics. It is the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of an individual. Personality is a relatively enduring pattern related to thinking about the environment of one’s self which is exhibited in a wide spread area or range of important social and personal contacts. Dissociative multiple personalities will often follow the trends of the sin nature.

                                                © The normal believer has a unified, cohesive, integrated stream of consciousness. The normal believer makes Bible doctrine the number one priority of his life, so that he is consistent in cognition and inculcation of Bible doctrine. Therefore, the normal believer functions under the principle of postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation, which is perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine. Therefore, the integrated personality of the normal believer extrapolates the functions of the ten problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God.

                                                (d) Dissociative multiple personality disorder often includes two antithetical personalities which conform to the two sin nature trends—legalism and antinomianism. The primary personality may be very moral while the alternate personality may be very immoral.

                        b. If this cohesive force of metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness is absent through rejection or distraction from doctrine, the deficiency of Bible doctrine results in reversionism, which in effect is the eight stages of becoming a psychotic Christian. This is the beginning of psychoneurosis.

                        c. Stress in the soul plus sin nature control combine to form dissociation, the split personality, in which certain elements of the consciousness take on an independent and separate existence, manifesting themselves as alternating personalities. The first step in this is Christian psychosis is the failure to make Bible doctrine the number one priority in your life.

                        d. As a result of dissociation, certain mental processes go into the subconscious and function independently of the main stream of consciousness. The subconscious includes certain aspects of life which are not immediately a part of the individual’s conscious mind. The emotional complex of sins will not ordinarily permit the content of the garbage in the subconscious to surface. However, where the obstructing repressions are lifted, the content emerges into awareness as a dual or multi-personality disorder.

                        e. The primary personality of the believer, acted upon by stress in the soul and the sin nature, is eliminated or disregarded under dissociation and the personality splits.

                        f. Dissociation defined.

                                    (1) Psychology defines the problem in four ways.

                                                (a) A diversion from the cohesive personality.

                                                (b) A split from the unified personality.

                                                © A dissociation from normality.

                                                (d) A dissociation from reality.

                                    (2) The biblical definition of dissociation is rejection of metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness.

                        g. In dissociation, the cohesiveness, integration, and unity of the soul is destroyed. In dissociation, certain aspects of the personality escape from the control of the individual. They become separate from the stream of consciousness and they function in opposition to the cohesive soul. Dissociation causes split personality. Dissociation follows the pattern of the primary and secondary personality, the split personality in the psychotic believer. Believers acquire a split personality through negative volition to doctrine, they are not born with it. A normal personality is cohesive; it coordinates within the seven parts of the stream of consciousness. Dissociation causes a split off from the cohesive personality, and part of the personality splits off and forms a separate personality. In dissociation, that part of the personality which is the source of the stress may be eliminated by separation from normal consciousness. Dissociation is the split off from reality. By the time dissociation has completed its work in the soul as part of the stress factor, there are two or more personalities. Dissociation is meaningful in some form of primary and secondary personality.

                                                (a) Dissociation is departure from metabolized doctrine in the soul’s stream of consciousness. The reality of the doctrine you have learned is destroyed. The believer without doctrine can only deal with the pressures of life through dissociation—the beginning of the splitting the personality. Outside pressures of stress are met with emotionalism:  anger, fear, worry, self-pity, guilt, bitterness, jealousy, vindictiveness, revenge motivation, etc. The sin nature puts the pressure on and the believer makes the decision to react to the pressure with emotional sins. This causes the fragmentation or splitting of the spiritual life.

                                                (b) In dissociation, a secondary personality (psychotic or neurotic) begins to develop. Unchecked emotional revolt of the soul becomes psychoneurosis. Psychoneurosis is an emotional disorder in which feelings of anxiety, obsessional thoughts, compulsive acts, and physical complaints without objective evidence of disease dominate the personality.

                                                © Lack of cohesiveness of the soul is mentioned in two verses.

                                                          i. Rom 7:11, “For the sin nature, taking the opportunity by the commandment, deceived me, and through it killed me [temporal death].”

                                                         ii. Rom 7:24, “I am a miserable person; who will set me free from this body of this [temporal] death.” In part III chapter 1 verse 3 of the Shepherd of Hermas (written 139-154 A.D.), the Greek word TALAIPOROS (meaning “a miserable person divorced from reality”) is used with the Greek word DIPSUCHOS (meaning “double-souled”) to describe a psychotic believer.

                                                         iii. Only metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness and the use of the problem solving devices give cohesiveness to the soul of the believer and prevent the conversion of adversity into stress in the soul.

                                                (d) Dissociation is a human problem solving device to avoid a reality of stress that is too great to bear. Without recall of metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness, the stress factor plus the dominance of the sin nature cause the believer to function under the arrogance and emotional complex of sins as they related to childhood. The sins become childish. Emotional and arrogant sins push the believer over the edge into the state of frustration and confusion, dominated by the sin nature and garbage in the subconscious. The sin nature, dominating the soul, plus maximum stress, results in lust motivation, sinfulness, human good, dead works, evil, and every function that hides the fact that the person is a believer.

                        h. Genes cannot transmit acquired characteristics. Psychosis and neurosis is an acquired characteristic through the use of your very own volition.

                                    (1) Attributing mental disorders to heredity is a terrible mistake, since in the Bible psychotic conditions are acquired through negative volition to doctrine after salvation.

                                    (2) It is true that parents frequently transmit their own emotional sins to the next generation.

                                    (3) Mental disorders among parents often preclude the existence of that necessary atmosphere which encourages normality.

                                    (4) What used to be regarded as inherited mental disorders and personality dysfunctions is really interpersonal relationships with parents who are psychotic, neurotic, and abusive.

                                    (5) The child’s conscious and unconscious defenses against these pressures may result in a wide variety of personality disturbances.

                        i. Believers who have advanced to spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, or spiritual maturity have a certain orderliness or harmony of soul, free from stress. They have tranquility and contentment as a part of sharing the happiness of God. A harmonious, dynamic system in the soul from cognition and inculcation of Bible doctrine replaces the problems and frustrations which come from the fragmented life, from reversionism, from Christian moral or immoral degeneracy, from the neurotic and psychotic tendencies, and from the split personality.

                        j. The two personalities alternate in control of the believer’s behavior. The transfer from one personality to another is often very sudden, triggered by stress and hysteria in the soul. The combination of sin nature control plus stress in the soul produces a number of psychotic and neurotic reactions from which the believer cannot be distinguished from his unbeliever counterpart. In schizophrenia, two or more personalities coexist and function side by side, while in dissociative multiple personality disorders, two or more personalities function sequentially—you go from one to the other. Yet both come from DIPSUCHOS, the split personality.

                                    (1) The disorganization of personality from lack of metabolized doctrine in the soul guarantees a halt to spiritual maturation and impairs the unity of the personality, so that there are thousands of believers who are neither mature spiritually or humanly. Doctrinal deficiency disorganizes the believer’s thinking, and this results in irrationality in the field of reversionism.

                                    (2) The disorganization of personality results in a final withdrawal from reality. The combination of sin nature control and stress results in withdrawal from the conscious perceptive aspects of the believer’s life related to Bible doctrine, such as objective reality, are destroyed.

                                    (3) Loss of objective reality from Bible doctrine results in the substitution of subjective reality. Subjective reality is related to the sins of the emotional and arrogance complex. They increase stress in the soul.

                                    (4) There are similarities between conversion reaction and the conversion of the outside pressures of adversity into the inside pressures of stress in the soul. Stress plus old sin nature control make the believer vulnerable to emotional shocks and traumatic memories. These pressures in the soul are so great that they lower any spiritual strength gained from Bible doctrine, with the result that certain mental processes go into the subconscious independently of (dissociated from) the main stream of consciousness.

                        k. There is nothing provided by God at regeneration that would cause a split personality or a psycho Christian, which means that we do it to ourselves. The psycho Christian is formed by the conversion of the outside pressures of adversity into the inside pressures of stress in the soul, the sin nature’s domination of the soul on a perpetual basis combined with stress in the soul, and fragmentation, reversionism, and Christian degeneracy.

                        l. Three things make the believer vulnerable to dissociation.

                                    (1) The conversion of the outside pressures of adversity into the inside pressures of stress in the soul.

                                    (2) Sin nature control of the soul on a continuous basis, sin nature control of the soul unchecked by the use of the ten problem solving devices. The perpetuation of sin nature control of the soul will inevitably lead to either Christian moral degeneracy or Christian immoral degeneracy.

                                    (3) Reversionism. The believer with stress in the soul cannot handle trauma. The believer whose soul is under constant control of the sin nature cannot handle trauma. The believer involved in reversionism cannot handle trauma. Therefore, he or she is vulnerable to dissociation.

                        m. Being a spiritual child gives you a vulnerability which did not have as an unbeliever.

                                    (1) Lack of humility means the sins of the arrogance complex destroy any possibility of soul strength. As a new believer, you do not have soul strength and are, therefore, vulnerable.

                                    (2) Lack of learning the mechanics of the protocol plan of God, the mechanics of the problem solving devices, and the mechanics related to the spiritual life means no soul strength. This makes you vulnerable to becoming a psycho believer.

                                    (3) Once you are born again, your greatest vulnerability is failure to see reality from Bible doctrine. If you are not nourished, you will enter into all the things related to your vulnerability. Only this time, it is not child abuse but the self-abuse of the arrogant soul, the angry soul, the bitter soul, and the vindictive soul. You do it to yourself.

                        n. Closely related to dissociation is depersonalization, in which the customary feelings of the believer’s reality is lost and the believer goes through life with a feeling of unreality.

            2. Biblical Nomenclature.

                        a. Jam 1:5-8, “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all believers generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask by means of faith [the faith-rest drill] without any doubting; for the one who doubts is like a wave in the sea constantly being agitated by the wind and constantly being tossed here and there. For that kind of person must stop thinking that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a split personality [believer], unstable in all his ways.”

                                    (1) There are two kinds of believers involved here.

                                                (a) Those believers who have metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness but lack of ability to apply it. Some believers have a lot of metabolized doctrine but they have not extrapolated the problem solving devices from the metabolized doctrine they had learned, so James tells them to ask God by means of the faith-rest drill. Self- fragmentation blows up your spiritual life, causing stress and the old sin nature to control your soul and destroys your ability to apply doctrine. The normal cohesion of the Christian soul is the function of the faith-rest drill. The split off from the normal cohesion is doubting. Faith and doubting results in a split personality. Doubting cuts off any application of doctrine. The normal soul has the ability to use faith.

                                                (b) Those believers who do not have metabolized doctrine in their souls.

                                    (2) The Greek word DIPSUCHOS means “double soul” and can be translated “split personality.” The double-minded Christian has reached the bottom of his spiritual life through Christian degeneracy and reversionism. “Double-minded” implies that the believer has lost the harmonious unity of the soul, the contentment that occurs with maximum doctrine in the soul.

                                    (3) Dissociation from reality of Bible doctrine in the stream of consciousness will be replaced with garbage in the subconscious and a departure from the primary personality, resulting in the formation of a secondary or alternating personality which produces the double-mindedness.

                                    (4) The result of dissociation is double-minded, a separate personality, a conflict of personalities in your soul. This split off becomes the means from adversity being converted into stress in the soul and a source of great emotional stress. This is the believer in reversionism, in Christian degeneracy, the psycho Christian. The double-souled believer is always unstable; he remains that way because his whole life is based upon the sins of arrogance and emotion. There can never be tranquility of soul as long as their is a split personality. The split personality results in loss of divine viewpoint and the reality of Bible doctrine.

                                    (5) The unstable person uses stress as a weapon against others. If you are not applying doctrine, you are applying stress. For example, poor management and lack of leadership attempts to control and force work from subordinates by creating stress in the soul through the use of threats and bullying. Stress is contagious where emotional sins and hysteria occur. Stress is designed to produce fear.

                        b. Jam 4:1-3, “What is the cause of strife among you and what is the source of quarrels among you? Are they not caused by and from the source of your own lusts that war in your members? You continue to lust and do not have; so you commit murder. And you are jealous and cannot obtain [spirituality and God’s will for your life]; instead you fight and quarrel. You have not because you ask not. You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may squander it on your lusts.”

                                    (1) One of the ways in which you can have stress in the soul and sin nature control is the lust pattern of the sin nature. Strife and quarrels among believers always involve the function of the sin nature and the function of the volition. The lust pattern of the sin nature becomes frustrated and creates adversity which it converts into stress in the soul. This lust which is converted into stress in the soul has tremendous power to move you away from application of doctrine.

                                    (2) Lust is an overwhelming uncontrollable desire for something. Lust can take a normal believer and turn him into a psycho believer. Lust divorces the believer from reality, destroys spiritual self- esteem and replaces it with inordinate desires related to self- gratification.

                                                (a) Unfulfilled lust and fulfilled lust both can cause tremendous frustration. Unfulfilled lust causes direct frustration and misery intensifying the desire involved. Fulfilled lust does not bring the anticipated happiness resulting in operation boomerang—stage three of reversionism.

                                                (b) Lust pushes God’s happiness out of the soul. Happiness, contentment, and tranquility—the sharing of God’s happiness— does not originate from the fulfillment of the lust pattern of the sin nature. In fact, sin nature control removes God’s happiness from the soul.

                                                © Lust destroys the modus operandi of the Christian way of life. Lust is an attack upon the unified, cohesive, integrated soul. Lust turns the believer into a tricky and deceitful person. Lust destroys the believer’s motivation to glorify God and replaces it with motivation and ambition of self-promotion. Lust causes the believer to become dishonest with himself and then dishonest with others

                                                (d) The solution to the lust pattern of the sin nature is rebound and then cognition and application of doctrine.

                                    (3) Jealousy is possessiveness which stifles the volition of another person. Jealousy removes the person from reality. Jealousy is fear of losing another’s affection, fear of rivalry, and fear of unfaithfulness. Jealousy is anti-freedom. This leads to total stupidity, total ignorance, and irrationality. Jealousy is mood arrogance. Jealousy creates adversity. The person with the jealousy has already converted that adversity into stress in their soul, perpetuates sin nature control of the soul, and results in dissociation. The person who is a victim of jealousy can also convert the jealousy into stress. Jealousy desires love based on demand, the demand syndrome. Jealousy is one of the quickest ways to become a psychotic believer. Jealousy is irrational in its resentment of others. It is directed toward self as the subject and others as the object. Jealousy produces inordinate competition.

                                    (4) If you are a psycho believer or in Christian degeneracy, your prayer life is dead. The psycho believer is totally ineffective in prayer and everything else in the spiritual life.

                        c. Jam 4:4-8, “You adulteresses [reversionist or psychotic believer] , do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever desires to become a friend of the world causes himself to become an enemy of God. Or do you presume that the Scripture speaks in vain against jealousy? The Spirit who indwells us pursues us with love. But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it [Scripture] says, `God makes war against the arrogant, but gives grace to the humble.’ Be subordinate therefore to God. Stand your ground against the devil and he will flee from you. Come near to God, and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded ones [psycho Christians].”

                                    (1) Friendship with the world is described in three ways:  wrong priorities resulting in neglect and distraction from the Word of God, Christian apostasy or degeneracy, priority is given to the sin nature domination of the soul combining with stress. Friendship with the world is always a matter of wrong priorities in which Bible doctrine plays a minor role. The believer involved in Christian degeneracy, the psycho believer, and the believer involved in reversionism is the enemy of God.

                                    (2) Even though God the Holy Spirit indwells your body, it does not prevent you from becoming a psychotic believer. God the Holy Spirit makes intercession for us and pursues us with love to try and prevent us from becoming psychotic and after we become psychotic.

                                    (3) There are certain sins which are sins of self- justification.

                                                (a) The sins of self-justification remove the believer from reality and contribute to the status of the psychotic Christian. The sins of self-justification include the lust complex of sins, jealousy used as justification for vilification, reaction sins to wrongs which are real or imagined such as hatred, bitterness and implacability, self-pity, revenge, murder, unfaithfulness or fornication. The more sins of reaction you accumulate in your soul, the greater the stress factor, and the two together form a psychotic or neurotic believer.

                                                (b) The sins of self-justification are evil because they intensify the spiritual problem of the person who has been wronged, not the person who committed the wrong. The sins of self-justification divorce the believer from reality and cause a split personality from dissociation.

                                                © The sins of self-justification are never justified by God. They so cause the complexities of the soul that the believer so involved is inevitably divorced from reality and enters into some form of dissociative personality disorder or some form of psychosis or neurosis.

                                                (d) The sins of vilification are self-justified. When you malign someone who has wronged you, then you have divorced yourself from reality and become a self-righteous, hypocritical person.

                                                (e) The sins of reaction, which are the sins of self- justification, are often far worse than the initial sins that started the self-righteous reaction. 1 Cor 6:6-7, “Believer goes to law with believer and that before unbelieving judges. It is already a defeat for you that you have law suits against another believer. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?” Self-righteousness produces many sins of reaction and sins of self-justification which are far worse than the sin of the believer who originally offended.

                                                (f) The sins of self-justification are guilty of the evil of disorientation called projection. Projection is a mechanism in which a person falsely attributes his or her own motivation or sins of weakness to others under the principle of the sins of self-justification. People condemn others for their very own weakness. That is a divorcement from reality. People guilty of projection never see that they have no capacity for life, love, or happiness. They think they are people smart but know nothing. God makes war against the arrogant believer who is full of self-justification.

                                    (4) The believer comes near to God through postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation, which is your consistent perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine. Believers can only come near to God by making Bible doctrine number one priority in their life.

                                    (5) Washing the hands is a reference to the use of 1 Jn 1:9, the rebound technique. Purifying the heart is a reference to the metabolization of doctrine. The Greek word DIPSUCHOS is used for the dissociative multiple personality disorder. If this condition is unchecked, the believer becomes a Christian neurotic or psychotic. Two or more personalities exist, triggered by stress in the soul combined with sin nature control. At any moment, one personality interacts with the external environment causing the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul. A quiet, retiring single lady suddenly becomes flamboyant and promiscuous. A believer whose primary personality responds to aggression with fright and flight has an alter personality which responds to masochistic submission. (This is often misunderstood as being spiritual.) Each personality has its own pattern of perception related to and thinking about the environment of self.

            3. The Hebrew word for dissociation is SHIGAON

                        a. The Hebrew noun SHIGAON was originally used by Moses to describe the Exodus generation. The verb SHAGA means to be insane, to be psychotic. The Hebrew word SHAMA means to listen, hear, to be positive to the teaching of doctrine, Deut 4:10; 5:1; 6:3-6; 9:1,6; 12:28; 20:3-8. The Exodus generation should have been SHAMA but they were SHAGA because of negative volition to doctrine.

                        b. The noun and verb are used to describe what happened to Israel when they went negative to doctrine, Zech 12:4. The Jews rejected the teaching of Moses. Adversity put great pressure on the Jews constantly, but instead of applying the problem solving devices, they converted the adversity into stress in their souls. The inside pressure of stress in the soul combined with the functions of the sin nature to destroy the spiritual life of these believers in the face of the greatest Bible teaching ever to exist.

                        c. SHIGAON took over the lives of these Jewish believers, the psychotic generation. Moses observed this and warned future generations of Israel.

                        d. Deut 28:28, “The Lord will afflict you with [SHIGAON] madness and with blindness [blackout of the soul] and with confusion of heart [split personality].” Deut 28:34, “And you shall be driven mad by the sight of what you see.” Verses 29 through 33 describe what happens to the psychotic Christian during the fifth cycle of discipline.

                                    (1) The Lord permitted the outside pressure of adversity for their spiritual growth. But without Bible doctrine, they took that adversity and converted it into stress in the soul, driving themselves insane.

                                    (2) These psycho believers see the results of their own negative volition.


I.  The Split Personality From the Standpoint of the Bible.

            1. God’s plan for creatures always starts with a cohesive, integrated, and unified soul, with no split in the personality. The unified personality of the believer is formed by faith alone in Christ alone for salvation, and by cognition, metabolization, and application of doctrine. When the old sin nature controls the soul, we are one person, and when God the Holy Spirit controls the soul, we are another person.

            2. Satan used his own volition to become arrogant and to split his personality. This split caused the greatest spiritual warfare of all time. Adam and the woman sinned and created a split personality. God created both Satan and mankind (Adam and the woman) with a unified soul. Creatures have volition and make decisions which split their soul.

            3. A split personality can be mended easily in the early stages by use of the rebound technique, but in the advance stages, you may want to see a psychiatrist.

            4. Every time we sin, we split our personality. This does not mean we are psychotic from the beginning, but by the time you reach dissociation, you are psychotic. Arrogance is generally the major reason why believers become psychotic, neurotic, and have personality dysfunctions. The split personality is the basis for being divorced from the reality of life. If you have bitterness, anger, hatred, vengeance, or jealousy in your soul, you have a split personality. There is no justification for any mental attitude sin no matter how you have been mistreated. When the personality is split, it is split by sin in the life.

            5. The arrogance and emotional complex of sins split the personality. Arrogance is a system that splits the personality. The arrogance complex of sins is a contradiction to the protocol plan of God.

                        a. Prov 11:2, “When arrogance comes, then comes dishonor.”

                        b. Prov 16:18, “Arrogance precedes destruction, and before a fall there is a lifestyle of arrogance.” The lifestyle of arrogance can be converted into the psycho believer.

                        c. Prov 23:29, “A person’s arrogance will bring him low, but a lifestyle of humility will bring him honor.”

                        d. Rom 12:3 says that you cannot be arrogant and be sane at the same time, “For I say through the grace which has been given to me to every one who is among you, stop thinking of self in terms of arrogance beyond what you ought to think, but think in terms of sanity, for the purpose of being rational without illusion as God has assigned to each one of us a standard of thinking from doctrine.”

                                    (1) The Greek word HUPERPHRONEO means to overthink, to think highly of oneself, to think in terms of arrogance. When you think of self in terms of arrogance, you are thinking in terms of jealousy, bitterness, anger, hatred, revenge motivation, etc. As a split personality, you become two people. You are whatever you were by way of Bible doctrine and what you become by way of jealousy, bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, anger, hatred, self-pity, and the emotional sins.

                                    (2) Arrogance is insane thinking. Sanity is the antithesis of arrogance. You are commanded to think in terms of sanity which is in contrast to arrogance. Illusion is divorcement from reality and goes with the split personality. Sanity describes the normal personality, arrogance describes the alternate personality that comes from dissociation. The cohesive, integrated personality is described in terms of sanity and rationality. The dissociative multiple personality disorder is described in terms of arrogance and illusion. Arrogance is personally and nationally self-destructive.

                                    (3) God has assigned to each one of us a cohesive personality compatible with His protocol plan. Bible doctrine in the right lobe of the soul gives cohesiveness and unity to the personality. Without Bible doctrine in the stream of consciousness, sooner or later the believer will become divorced from reality whether in moral or immoral degeneracy.

                        f. Jam 3:14-16, “If you have bitter jealousy and inordinate ambition in your right lobe, stop being arrogant and stop lying against the truth. This [pseudo] wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. For where jealousy and inordinate ambition exist, there is disorder [of the soul] and every evil deed.”

                                    (1) If you perform Christian works from a split personality, you will only produce dead works. Production that glorifies God comes from a unified personality with metabolized doctrine.

                                    (2) If you have bitterness and jealousy in your soul, it is a guarantee to split your personality. The secondary personality will take you away from reality and into illusion.

                        g. 1 Pet 5:5-6, “Likewise, you younger men, be subject to your own elders [pastor-teacher]; and all of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for `God makes war against the arrogant, but He gives grace to the humble.’ Therefore, humble yourselves under the powerful hand of God, that He may promote you at the proper time.” The normal, integrated, cohesive personality is humble. We humble ourselves by the consistent cognition of Scripture. We do not promote ourselves, God promotes us. If God does not promote you, you are not promoted. God promotes through the execution of His plan, not through Christian production.

                        h. 2 Tim 3:2-7, “For persons will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, and wicked, without virtue-love, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of God, treacherous, thoughtless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but having denied its power, in fact, avoid such persons as these; for among them are those who creep into households and captivate silly women loaded down with sins led on by their multifarious lusts, always learning but never able to come to full knowledge of the truth.”

            6. Dr. Frank W. Putnam, a psychiatrist, has written the best current work on dissociative multiple personality disorders. He describes in chapter five the alter personalities, “The core feature is the existence of alter personalities who exchange control over the individual’s behavior. It is important to state from the outset that whatever an alter personality is, it is not a separate person. It is a serious therapeutic error to relate to the alter personalities as if they were separate people. Although many alters will emphatically insist that they are separate people, the therapist must not buy into the delusion of separateness. The therapist can empathize with each of the alter’s feelings of separation and each alter’s unique perception of experience and events, but the global message from the therapist should always be that all the alters constitute one person. I do not think that anyone knows what ultimately constitutes all that is involved in how this happens, but I conceptualize the alters as highly discrete states of consciousness organized around a prevailing affect, a sense of self with limited kinds of behaviors and a set of state dependent memories.” He categorizes some of the alter personalities as follows (p. 107).

                        a. The host personality acts as the master of ceremonies. The host has executive control of the body the greatest percentage of time. A typical host personality is depressed, anxious, and hedonic (insensitive to pleasure), unable to experience happiness, rigid, frigid, compulsively good (self-righteous arrogance). Host personalities are often overwhelmed by their life circumstances and present themselves as powerless and at the mercy of forces beyond their control or comprehension. Many host personalities are unaware of the existence of other alter personalities.

                        b. The child personality. A person may be an adult one moment and a child the next. The number of child personalities in a multiple personality disorder usually exceeds the number of adult personalities. The and infant personalities are usually frozen in time; they are locked into a given age until late in the course of therapy when relieved of their psychological burden. They may even grow up prior to integration. Child and infant alters frequently serve the functions of holding memories and affects generated by earlier traumatic experiences. When the personalities come out, they may repeatedly express emotions previously repressed by traumatic experiences. The reaction is often non-verbal and takes the form of writhing on the floor, reenacting the experience by throwing themselves into the walls, or some potentially dangerous behavior. They may curl up in the fetal position or become non-responsive. They often perceive the therapist as if he or she were the original abuser. They see everything as wonderful and even idealize their abusers. They retain a childhood innocence that other alters have lost.

                        c. The persecutor personality. This personality is in diametric conflict with the host personality. This personality will sabotage the patient’s life and may inflict serious injury upon the body in attempts to harm the host or other personalities. They may be responsible for self- mutilation or suicide attempts, which are actually internal homicides as persecutor personalities attempt to maim or kill the host personality. The perceived degree of separateness that allows one personality to believe that it can kill another personality without endangering itself has been labeled as pseudo delusionism and a form of translogic.

                        d. The suicidal personality. They often have a single minded dedication to the task of suicide and may have no awareness of the host or other personalities. They can be difficult to reason with and may represent a significant danger to the patient. The system of personalities can usually be enlisted to hold in check the self-destructive impulses.

                        e. The protector or helper personality. They serve as a counter balance to the suicide and persecutor personalities. These protectors can exert sufficient degree of control on the more dangerous or self- compromising behavior so as to prevent real danger. These personalities come in a number of different forms. In females, these guardians are often male alters.

                        f. The internal self-helper. This personality is physically passive and relatively emotionless and provides information and incite into the inner workings of the system.

                        g. The member trace personality. This personality usually has a more or less complete memory of the life history of the patient.

                        h. The cross gender personality. In the female patient, male personalities are found in about half of the cases. In male patients, female alter personalities are found in two thirds to three quarters of the cases. The cross gender personalities often expresses itself in dress, hairstyle, occupation, and behavior.

                        i. The promiscuous personality. These are personalities that express forbidden impulses, often these impulses are sexual. This personality may reenact previous sexual abuses in and out of a therapy setting. A common scenario is for a female patient’s promiscuous alter to pick up a strange man, set up an intimate situation, and then vanish, leaving the sexually frigid host personality to contend with the person’s advances. The host personality interprets this situation as rape.

                        j. The administrator and obsessive-compulsive personality. These alters emerge in the work place and aid a multiple personality disorder in earning a living. Co-workers typically see only this personality. They are often described as cold, distant, and authoritarian.

                        k. The substance abuser. He can be involved in sedatives, drug abuse, and alcohol abuse. The drug abuse is usually limited to a specific alter personality.

                        l. The personality with special talents or skills. These skills may be work related, artistic, or athletic. These alters may be exceptionally skilled at what they do and exist purely for the expression of that ability or talent.

                        m. The imitator and imposture. This personality often mimic other personalities. When this personality emerges, it appear to sound like they are the alter personality they are imitating. They mimic someone to make it impossible for a therapist to work on a certain issue.

                        n. Demons and spirits. Many therapists will attempt to suppress the angry, hostile, and malevolent personality.

                        o. The original personality. The other personalities of the system will identify another personality as the original personality. This is the integrated, unified, cohesive personality.

            7. Rom 7:11-25, “For the sin nature, which had grasp the opportunity through the commandment [you will not lust], deceived me, and through it killed me [temporal spiritual death]. So then, the Law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good. Therefore did the absolute good become [carnal] death for me? Definitely not! But the sin nature, in order that it might be exposed through the absolute good made [temporal] death a reality to me, that through the commandment the sin nature might become utterly sinful. For we know that the Law is spiritual phenomena; but I am of flesh, having been led astray under [control of] the sin nature. For what I am doing [unchecked sin nature control of the soul], I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do [execute the Christian way of life], but I am doing the very thing I hate [sin nature control]. But if I keep doing the very thing I do not wish to do (and I do), I agree with the Law that it is noble. But now, am I no longer the one doing it, but the sin nature which indwells me. For I know that there does not indwell me, that is, in my flesh any intrinsic good; for to will is present with me, but the doing of the noble is not. For I do not do the intrinsic good I desire to do; but I practice the very evil that I do not wish to do. But if I am doing what I do not desire to do, I am no longer the one doing it, but the sin nature which lives in me. Consequently, I discover this principle that when I desire to do the honorable thing, evil resides in me. For I joyfully concur with the law of God with reference to the inner man, but I see another of a different kind of principle in my members, fighting against the principle of my mind [the unified, cohesive, integrated soul], and making me a prisoner to the law of the sin nature which is in my members [body]. I am [TALAIPOROS] a stressed out person! Who will rescue me from the body of this [temporal] death? Grace belongs to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! Therefore, on the one hand I myself with my mind serve the law of God, but on the other, with my sin nature I serve the principle of sin.”

                        a. The major problem of interpretation of this passage is whether or not this was Paul’s actual experience as a psycho believer or is this a point of doctrine in which he personalized it by using himself as the illustration? There is no conclusive way to prove this was Paul’s experience because there is no other evidence that he ever had any psychotic problems. This is definitely a split personality passage which is a warning to all of us of the importance of God’s grace provision in the problem solving devices for the use of rebound.

                        b. In verse eleven, the believer is deceived by the various characteristics of the sin nature on the one hand and by arrogance which forms a blindness against one’s own failings on the other hand. The tenth commandment helped Paul understand the sin nature and the utter sinfulness of sin.

                        c. Verse 15 is the beginning of the description of the split personality. The believer with a split personality in the last three stages of reversionism has lost the reality from Bible doctrine and does not understand what they are doing.

                        d. In verse 17, Paul states that he has gone so long without rebound that the sin nature is controlling the soul. The original personality is not committing the sin but one of the split personalities of a multiple personality disorder is producing the sin.

                        e. When the sin nature controls your life, you are divorced from the only reality that counts—the reality of Bible doctrine. No believer recovers from multiple personality disorder without the daily cognition and inculcation of Bible doctrine. You can never recover apart from what God has provided in grace.

                        f. We all face the internal warfare of serving the law of God or the sin nature. If we serve the sin nature, we will become a psycho believer.

            8. The solution to stress in the soul is the rebound technique of 1 Jn 1:9.

                        a. When the command post of your soul is overrun by stress, there is only one way the problem can be resolved—the rebound technique. All the counseling in the world is absolutely useless.

                        b. Your defenses have been destroyed by the conversion of the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul. Now you have to counterattack and drive out stress. There is only one way to do this.

                        c. You have lost the filling of the Spirit and are grieving the Holy Spirit. If you remain in carnality, you are quenching the Holy Spirit and eventually you will go through the cycles of reversionism and forget the doctrine you have learned, so that you cannot be distinguished from the unbeliever.

                        d. When adversity becomes stress, the believer’s command post is overrun by sin and too often perpetual carnality. The counterattack begins with 1 Jn 1:9, “If we acknowledge our sins, He is faithful and righteous with the result that He forgives us our sins and purifies us from all wrongdoing.”

                                    (1) The fact that God is always faithful in keeping His promises is stated in Heb 10:23.

                                    (2) There are two results of acknowledgment of our sins to God the Father: He always forgives us the sins we name and He purifies us from all of our unknown sins. This removes all stress (sin) from our soul.

                        e. You are mandated after you rebound to forget those things which are behind and keep advancing to the high ground of maximum glorification of God (PLEROMA status). This is explained in Phil 3:13-14, “Brethren, I do not evaluate myself to have attained [maximum glorification of God], but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and pressing forward toward those things which are ahead, I keep on advancing toward the objective [maximum glorification of God] for the decoration of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

                                     (1) Paul was a mature believer when he wrote this, but he had not yet attained the “fullness of God” status of maximum glorification of God.

                                    (2) You cannot look at your past sins every time something goes wrong in your life. Usually God is testing you in your advance. To advance spiritually you have to forget your failures. You cannot let your failures hinder your advance.

                        f. Spiritual momentum must not stop with the counterattack of rebound. Spiritual momentum must follow the colors to the high ground of PLEROMA status—"all the fullness of blessing from God.”



R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1998, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
